Hotel Bellevue


Plitvička Jezera bb, 53231 Plitvička Jezera Chorvátsko

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Phone +385 52 816 122 Mob +385 98 324 633 Fax +385 52 816 088 Send inquiry

Accommodation Units 27.09.2024 – 28.09.2024


Hotel Bellevue is in closest vicinity to the Plitvice Hotel, in the central zone of the Plitvice Lakes Park.
The hotel operates on a bed-and-breakfast basis, while full-board guests have meals in the Plitvice Hotel nearby.
As such, the hotel is especially suitable for organised groups. Apart from its high functionality, the hotel is an interesting architectural piece with wood as the dominant construction material. Hotel amenities include a bank, a car park, a café-bar, a TV salon and a summer terrace, luggage carry services, a 24/7 reception desk, laundry services. There are 69 rooms: 48 double-bed rooms, 15 three-bed rooms and 6 single-bed rooms. All rooms have a bathroom with a shower, a direct telephone line and a satellite TV.


  • Equipment and facilities:
  • Počet izieb 69
  • Nefajčiarske izby
  • TV v spoločných priestoroch
  • Predaj suvenírov
  • Vonkajšie parkovisko
  • Parkovacie miesto v garáži
  • Service:
  • Recepcia 24 hodín
  • Zmenáreň
  • Trezor na recepcii
  • Pranie a žehlenie bielizne
  • Detská postieľka na izbe
  • Sports and activities:
  • Vonkajšie detské ihrisko
  • Požičovňa bicyklov
  • Organizované výlety
  • Prechádzky a jogging
  • Meals:
  • Raňajky formou švédskych stolov


  • Vzdialenosti:
  • Autobusová zastávka 800m
  • Železničná stanica 80km
  • Najbližšie letisko 140km
  • Najbližší termál / wellness centrum 300m


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