Člny Supetarska Draga
Ak hľadáte prenájom lodí alebo charter jácht, tu nájdete ponuku rôznych modelov a veľkostí lodí: denné lode, kajutové lode, luxusné jachty, hausbót, plávajúci dom.. Supetarska Draga Pre nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku objavte krásy mora... Požičajte si čln, motorový čln, rôzne druhy člnov, otvorený čln, motorový čln alebo jachtu a zažijete nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku na jachte. Skvelé riešenie pre váš prenájom lodí: požičovňa jácht, požičovne plachetn...
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Ak hľadáte prenájom lodí alebo charter jácht, tu nájdete ponuku rôznych modelov a veľkostí lodí: denné lode, kajutové lode, luxusné jachty, hausbót, plávajúci dom.. Supetarska Draga Pre nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku objavte krásy mora... Požičajte si čln, motorový čln, rôzne druhy člnov, otvorený čln, motorový čln alebo jachtu a zažijete nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku na jachte. Skvelé riešenie pre váš prenájom lodí: požičovňa jácht, požičovne plachetníc, požičovňa motorových člnov, požičovňa superjácht.. Supetarska Draga. Súkromné prenájmy lodí a požičovne lodí typu peer-to-peer Supetarska Draga. Prenajmite si svoju vysnívanú loď alebo si prenajmite krásnu jachtu s kapitánom alebo bez neho. Vyberte si správne! Supetarska Draga.
About 6 km far away from the city of Rab, as a natural extention to the Mundanija valley, embracing the bay in which it's situated there is Supetarska Draga. The place recived its name from the church and benedictine abbey of St. Peter which date back in the XI. century. The curch/basilica of St. Peter is the oldest romanic curch in Croatia and with its beauty attracts worshippers and art lovers.
The Draga valley is divided in two parts: Gornja (upper) and Donja (lower) Draga. The proximity of the islands of Maman, Sridnjak and Sailovac and the presence of many bays are especially attractive to yachtsman. Supetarska Draga is known for its sandy beaches, clear sea and wind protected bays. As those they attract many tourist, especially families with kids.
But not only the tourist enjoy in the beaches of Draga. Here are situated many birds that came because of the extremly positive climatic conditions and make their nests or they decide to spend the winter here.
The local people are oriented to the sea and it's known as a home of many sailors. The people of Draga are excellent hosts and many tourist return here every year exactly because of that.
Supetarska Draga its an ideal place for holidays and to their guests Supetarska Draga offers an accomodation in houses near the sea, in apartments and rooms. The presence of the marina, of the good restaurants, of the beautiful beaches and the hospitality of the local people guarantees a vacation to remember.