Dovolenkové domy Pazin
Luxusné vily, vily s bazénom vám poskytnú nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku. V závislosti od vašich preferencií môžete nájsť celý rad luxusných víl, dovolenkových domov s bazénom Pazin na pobreží alebo vo vnútrozemí, odpočívať v tichu a pokoji nedotknutej prírody. Luxusné vily môžu ubytovať väčšie rodiny alebo skupiny priateľov a umožňujú dovolenku a vynikajúce ubytovanie v krásnom prostredí
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Luxusné vily, vily s bazénom vám poskytnú nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku. V závislosti od vašich preferencií môžete nájsť celý rad luxusných víl, dovolenkových domov s bazénom Pazin na pobreží alebo vo vnútrozemí, odpočívať v tichu a pokoji nedotknutej prírody. Luxusné vily môžu ubytovať väčšie rodiny alebo skupiny priateľov a umožňujú dovolenku a vynikajúce ubytovanie v krásnom prostredí Pazin. Akákoľvek luxusná vila alebo dovolenkový dom s bazénom, ktorú si vyberiete, vám poskytne nezabudnuteľné chvíle v náručí luxusu a pohodlia. Každá jednotlivá vila má svoj vlastný fascinujúci príbeh, ktorý každý človek prežíva zvláštnym spôsobom. Charakter jednotlivých víl a špecialita, ktorá sa odráža v kvalite a všetkých doplnkových službách robia luxusné vily neodolateľnými a očarujúcimi pre každého hosťa. Oddajte sa hľadaniu svojho ideálneho ubytovania, prezrite si našu ponuku luxusných víl, domov s bazénom Pazin. Holiday house by the sea or a luxury villa with swimming pool in the interior will give you the beauty and the pleasures of the simple life. Beautiful scenery, comfortable environment, luxury accommodation and let them be your choice for a holiday destination Pazin.
The city of Pazin is located in the centre of the Istrian peninsula. Administratively, it is the county seat of Istria. Pazin also has its own coat of arms displaying a castle tower which represents the city.
The city of Pazin connects the eastern and western coasts of Istria and is turning more and more towards tourism. Pazin's landscape is consists hills and valleys as well as lush vegetation. Thanks to the area's beautiful nature and cultural-historical heritage, visitors can spend their days taking walks through nature and discovering what Pazin and its surroundings have to offer, an intimate and calming getaway. Guests can stay in apartments and rooms offered by taverns as well as new private homes.
Agrotourism is also making its way into Pazin's tourism. Here guests can find an apartment to stay in as well as enjoy lovely homemade Istrian cuisine. In Agrotourism, everything that is served is home-grown and home-bred. Many of the inhabitants also make their own wine which guests can enjoy accompanying their meal. Along with its agrotourism and accommodation, activities such as hiking and bike-riding are just a couple of things to do in this beautiful city. Guests can also take advantage of the many sports and recreational facilities located in the city.
Come and discover the centre of Istria - Pazin.