Hotely Terme Radenci
Hotely v závislosti od želaní a potrieb hostí poskytujú hosťom služby ubytovania a stravy, zábavy a vybavenia. Hotely ponúkajú kvalitný a pestrý výber ubytovania. Veľké hotely, rodinné hotely, all inclusive hotely, luxusné hotely, historické hotely, romantické hotely, wellness hotely, last minute hotely. Ponuka hotela v Terme Radenci umožňuje každému hosťovi ubytovanie pre pohodlnú a bezstarostnú dovolenku. Premýšľate o oddychovej dovolenke s rodinou, partnerom alebo aktívnej dovolenke s priateľmi? Bez ohľadu na to, kde sa rozhodnete stráviť dovolenku, či uvažujete o letnej a zimnej dovolenke...
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Hotely v závislosti od želaní a potrieb hostí poskytujú hosťom služby ubytovania a stravy, zábavy a vybavenia. Hotely ponúkajú kvalitný a pestrý výber ubytovania. Veľké hotely, rodinné hotely, all inclusive hotely, luxusné hotely, historické hotely, romantické hotely, wellness hotely, last minute hotely. Ponuka hotela v Terme Radenci umožňuje každému hosťovi ubytovanie pre pohodlnú a bezstarostnú dovolenku. Premýšľate o oddychovej dovolenke s rodinou, partnerom alebo aktívnej dovolenke s priateľmi? Bez ohľadu na to, kde sa rozhodnete stráviť dovolenku, či uvažujete o letnej a zimnej dovolenke alebo o krátkej víkendovej dovolenke. Hľadáte hotel priamo na pláži s krásnym výhľadom na more, hotel s lyžiarskym strediskom alebo hľadáte hotelové ubytovanie pre relaxačnú dovolenku v odľahlej nedotknutej prírode .. Vyberte si destináciu Terme Radenci a hotel podľa vášho vkusu. Ak hľadáte luxusný hotel, ponúkame vám ubytovanie v hoteli, vďaka ktorému bude váš pobyt nezabudnuteľný. Luxusný hotel spája komfort hotela s individuálnym prístupom ku každému hosťovi. Izby a suity sú plne vybavené a vkusne zariadené. Ubytovanie v luxusnom hoteli vám umožní vychutnať si luxus, wellness zariadenia pre skutočné potešenie. Ak hľadáte lacný hotel alebo last minute ponuku pre destináciu Terme Radenci hotely v našej ponuke splnia vaše očakávania a urobia vašu dovolenku príjemnou a zaujímavou.
In the region of Prekmurje in the beautiful nature, beside the grain fields and the vineyards on the hills near the Mura river are located the Radenci thermal spas.
The Radenci thermal spas have a 125-year-old tradition. The thermal water was discovered in 1833., and the water from this source was drunk on the Vienna court and in the Vatican. In 1882. the Radenci thermal spas opened their doors to the first guests. In July 1996. was opened the Thermal Paradise (Termalni Raj), a water complex connected with hotels and physiotherapy department of the terms. Ten pools (indoor and outdoor) that cover 1460 sqm of surface compose the complex. The temperature of the water goes from 28-37°C. Except the pools the complex has a whirpool, the slow river, the water cannons, underwater massages, the Kneip pool and water path and the waterfalls.
The Radenci thermal spas are specialised in prevention and healing of heart diseases and those of the cardiovascular system which with a professional staff and modern technology offer an individual targeted programs.
A variety of sauna offers- Finland, Turkish, infrared, herbal- and the solarium and the beauty centre is completed by the sport and recreational offer (tennis, fitness, mini golf, beach volley, kayak and so on).
Those who like the trips can enjoy in the organised excursions, walking, visiting the wine cellars with a wine degustation, visiting the local agroturism, visiting the mill on Muraor visiting the horse stables.
In the Radenci thermal spas can be organised various business meetings and reunions. One conference hall, seven smaller meeting rooms, a modern equipment and professional staff are at Your disposal and will make everything to make your meeting pleasant and lucrative.
The accommodation, offer except in the hotels, is available in the hotel complex of Banovac or in the camping sites of Zelen Gaj.
If You are tired of the daily routine and stress and You want to revitalise yourself, visit the Radenci thermal spas and recover your strength in the "Three Hearts" healthy centre and get back on the track beautiful, healed and relaxed.