Starigrad Paklenica
Starigrad-Paklenica is a town and harbour located on the coastline of the Velebit canal, at the foot of Mt Velebit and 50km away from Zadar. In Starigrad's hinterland is the National Park Paklenica which encompasses two canyons: Velika and Mala Paklenica. A river runs through the Velika Paklenica canyon which is about 10km long and its steep sides reach up to 400m in height. The canyons of Velika and Mala Paklenica are separated by a 500m high plateau which is 7km long. The National Park Paklenica is a magnificent natural...
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Starigrad-Paklenica is a town and harbour located on the coastline of the Velebit canal, at the foot of Mt Velebit and 50km away from Zadar. In Starigrad's hinterland is the National Park Paklenica which encompasses two canyons: Velika and Mala Paklenica. A river runs through the Velika Paklenica canyon which is about 10km long and its steep sides reach up to 400m in height. The canyons of Velika and Mala Paklenica are separated by a 500m high plateau which is 7km long. The National Park Paklenica is a magnificent natural phenomenon which has many caves, the Manita cave (175m long) being the most well-known, as well as many other hidden secrets.
Starigrad-Paklenica is the starting point for visitors who would like to visit the National Park Paklenica and, being so close to Mt Velebit; guests can enjoy outdoor activities such as mountain climbing and free-climbing. Accommodations in Starigrad-Paklenica include apartments, rooms, Bed & Breakfasts and camping grounds. The old part of town is filled with archaeological findings as well as many architectural monuments for example, the well known villa Petar Hektorovic.
Starigrad-Paklenica has been inhabited since Roman times, but as a result of an invasion by the Turks, it was deserted in the 16th century and then reformed in the 17th century. Nearby are the pre-roman church of St. Peter and the ruins of the Vecka tower, both of which were most likely built in the era of the Turks. In Rovanjska inlet, not far from Starigrad-Paklenica, lays the old Croatian church of St. Jurja.
Preskúmajte našu skvelú ponuku ubytovania, hotely, apartmány, izby, turistická osada, dovolenkové domy, luxusné vily s bazénom, kempingy, mobilné domy, hostely, farmy, ranče, agroturistika, dovolenky na farme a vyberte si ideálne ubytovanie na vašu dovolenku.
Starigrad Paklenica - Vyhľadávanie a rezervácia ubytovania je veľmi jednoduchá. Vyberte si ubytovanie, ktoré najlepšie vyhovuje vašim želaniam.
Pre nezabudnuteľný zážitok a spomienky, ktoré si budete pamätať. Pre vašu relaxačnú dovolenku a špeciálny zážitok. Strávte dovolenku s rodinou alebo priateľmi.
Starigrad Paklenica - Ubytovanie v krásnej a zaujímavej destinácii. Vyberte si destináciu a ubytovanie len podľa svojho vkusu. Ubytovanie v našej ponuke splní Vaše očakávania a urobí Vašu dovolenku príjemnou a zaujímavou. Rezervujte si ubytovanie a strávenie pohodovej dovolenky v cieli.
Hotels in Starigrad Paklenica
Private accommodations in Starigrad Paklenica
Tourist resorts in Starigrad Paklenica
Holiday houses in Starigrad Paklenica
Vily s bazénom Starigrad Paklenica
Kempingy, mobilné domy Starigrad Paklenica
Člny Starigrad Paklenica
Farmy, ranče, agroturistika Starigrad Paklenica
Hostely, ubytovňa Starigrad Paklenica
Tourist offers Starigrad Paklenica
Gastronomy Starigrad Paklenica
Health Tourism Starigrad Paklenica
Active Tourism Starigrad Paklenica
Culture Tourism Starigrad Paklenica
Nightlife Starigrad Paklenica
Transfers Starigrad Paklenica
Events and entertainment Starigrad Paklenica
Excursions Starigrad Paklenica
Starigrad Paklenica - Hotely, apartmány, súkromné ubytovanie, izby