Agritourisme Novi Vinodolski Trouvez une destination idéale pour vos vacances

Agritourisme Novi Vinodolski

L'agrotourisme est une forme particulière de tourisme, une combinaison de beauté naturelle, de patrimoine culturel et de tradition, de nourriture locale saine et d'excellents vins. Le séjour à la ferme propose un large choix de maisons de vacances, d'appartements et de chambres dans des fermes rurales. Novi Vinodolski Le tourisme rural est une combinaison de nature pure, d'air pur, d'exploration de l'inconnu et de dégustation des saveurs oubliées des spécialités locales. L'agrotourisme, c'est avant tout des vacances dans le silence et la verdure, tout en dégustant les spécialités gastronomiques locales. Apprenez à connaître les coutumes locales, les traditions et le mode de vie simple. L'agrotourisme est un excellent moyen de découvrir une culture diversifiée et de s'évader dans la nature. Les beautés naturelles offrent également diverses possibilités de tourisme actif. Novi Vinodolski. Les maisons authentiques à la campagne et l'agrotourisme dans la nature apportent une expérience particulière du village et du mode de vie rural. La vue à travers la fenêtre de l'hébergement rural, de l'appartement ou de la chambre révèle de magnifiques jardins paysagers, de la verdure et des vignes. Des pistes cyclables à travers une nature intacte dans un cadre magnifique, d'innombrables sentiers menant dans différentes directions. Routes de l'huile d'olive, routes des vins... Novi Vinodolski. Choisissez un hébergement rural et offrez-vous les vacances paisibles ou actives que vous méritez. Un sentiment que vous n'oublierez pas et que vous serez toujours heureux de revenir. Novi Vinodolski.

Novi Vinodolski is a small town located right off the main highway just south of Crikvenica. Its rich Mediterranean vegetation, clear-blue sea and beautiful beaches make it a well-known and wonderful tourist destination. Novi Vinodolski offer accommodation includes hotels, cottages, auto camps, apartments and rooms in private homes and villas can fit up to 10,000 guests per day.
Novi Vinodolski has been inhabited ever since the roman era and in medieval times it was considered a city by Prince Frankopan. In medieval times the „Vinodolski Law“ was written in the year 1288 in the Glagolitic script and was one of the most important documents in Croatian medieval law. The old town of Novi Vinodolski sits up on a hill and overlooks the beautiful sea. It has many cultural and historical monuments such as the castle of Frankopan from the 13th century, the tower, and the churches St. Filip and St. Jakov.
Novi Vinodolski, along with its hotels and apartments, has many restaurants which serve wonderful seafood and traditional cuisine. Guests can also enjoy many of its sports and recreation facilities such as indoor and outdoor swimming pools and tennis courts. Best of all, are their beaches. Visitors can chose from the beaches in Novi Vinodolski to the beautiful beaches in surrounding towns.
The towns of Povile, Bribir and Klenovica are also very interesting. The town of Povile was first mentioned as the earliest harbour in Vinodola in the year 1309 and served as a harbour for the Romans and a place where many amphoras have been found. The town of Bribir is also another historical place located just behind Novi Vinodolski, 5km from the sea. Bribir is an interesting place because of its four-sided tower and town church which was made in the baroque era. Klenovica is a small town which was first mentioned in the 17th century. It lies in a beautiful inlet and has many apartments and villas which guests can stay at to enjoy a lovely holiday in Bribir.
Among the cultural events, Novi Vinodolski especially cherishes the winter carnival (January/February) and St.Filips and St. James Day which are the patron saints of the town (May). Recently, due to its involvement in tourism, Novi Vinodolski has become an international centre to a carnival that takes place in August.
Come and enjoy a lovely and exciting holiday in Novi Vinodolski and its surrounding towns.


Agritourisme Novi Vinodolski - Agritourisme