Člny Moscenicka Draga Nájdite skvelú destináciu pre vašu dovolenku

Člny Moscenicka Draga

Ak hľadáte prenájom lodí alebo charter jácht, tu nájdete ponuku rôznych modelov a veľkostí lodí: denné lode, kajutové lode, luxusné jachty, hausbót, plávajúci dom.. Moscenicka Draga Pre nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku objavte krásy mora... Požičajte si čln, motorový čln, rôzne druhy člnov, otvorený čln, motorový čln alebo jachtu a zažijete nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku na jachte. Skvelé riešenie pre váš prenájom lodí: požičovňa jácht, požičovne plachetn...
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Ak hľadáte prenájom lodí alebo charter jácht, tu nájdete ponuku rôznych modelov a veľkostí lodí: denné lode, kajutové lode, luxusné jachty, hausbót, plávajúci dom.. Moscenicka Draga Pre nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku objavte krásy mora... Požičajte si čln, motorový čln, rôzne druhy člnov, otvorený čln, motorový čln alebo jachtu a zažijete nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku na jachte. Skvelé riešenie pre váš prenájom lodí: požičovňa jácht, požičovne plachetníc, požičovňa motorových člnov, požičovňa superjácht.. Moscenicka Draga. Súkromné prenájmy lodí a požičovne lodí typu peer-to-peer Moscenicka Draga. Prenajmite si svoju vysnívanú loď alebo si prenajmite krásnu jachtu s kapitánom alebo bez neho. Vyberte si správne! Moscenicka Draga.

Moscenicka Draga is a town and harbour on the eastern coast of Istria in the gulf of Rijeka and south of Lovran.
Originally a fishing town, today, Moscenicka Draga has developed into a well-known tourist destination with its hotels, apartments and rooms in private homes, campsites, and restaurants. Tourism in Moscenicka Draga began at the start of the century and plays a big part in the town's economy and its surroundings. Along with accommodation in hotels, apartments and rooms, Moscenicka Draga also offers a long pebbled beach and sports and recreation facilities. Yachting regattas are also an attraction.
Being so close to Opatija, guests can also go and enjoy Opatija's cultural-entertainment program.
For guests who enjoy walks through nature or even hiking, they can follow a path which runs through the towns Vojvodice, Detane, and Trebisca to the town Ucka which is the starting point for the hike to the top of Mt. Ucka (1369m high).
This town has a lot of history and culture, churches and monuments, and many beautiful villas which were built long ago. Here guests can enjoy quiet summer nights, beautiful sunny days as well as clear blue sea. Within Moscenicka Draga's harbour, small fishing vessels are anchored. Being a fishing town, its restaurants and taverns serve the freshest of seafood along with traditional cuisine, homemade proscuto (dried ham) and quality homemade wine.
The little town of Moscenice is located just above the beach of Moscenicka Draga (173m above sea level) and the two towns are connected by way of 760 steps. Moscenice is a small Istrian town with narrow streets, churches, a bell tower and a town square. All of this is incorporated in its tourism.
Moscenicka Draga and Moscenica are magical and mystical. Come and explore.


Člny Moscenicka Draga - Člny