Člny Ostrov Unije Nájdite skvelú destináciu pre vašu dovolenku

Člny Ostrov Unije

Ak hľadáte prenájom lodí alebo charter jácht, tu nájdete ponuku rôznych modelov a veľkostí lodí: denné lode, kajutové lode, luxusné jachty, hausbót, plávajúci dom.. Ostrov Unije Pre nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku objavte krásy mora... Požičajte si čln, motorový čln, rôzne druhy člnov, otvorený čln, motorový čln alebo jachtu a zažijete nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku na jachte. Skvelé riešenie pre váš prenájom lodí: požičovňa jácht, požičovne plachetn...
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Ak hľadáte prenájom lodí alebo charter jácht, tu nájdete ponuku rôznych modelov a veľkostí lodí: denné lode, kajutové lode, luxusné jachty, hausbót, plávajúci dom.. Ostrov Unije Pre nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku objavte krásy mora... Požičajte si čln, motorový čln, rôzne druhy člnov, otvorený čln, motorový čln alebo jachtu a zažijete nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku na jachte. Skvelé riešenie pre váš prenájom lodí: požičovňa jácht, požičovne plachetníc, požičovňa motorových člnov, požičovňa superjácht.. Ostrov Unije. Súkromné prenájmy lodí a požičovne lodí typu peer-to-peer Ostrov Unije. Prenajmite si svoju vysnívanú loď alebo si prenajmite krásnu jachtu s kapitánom alebo bez neho. Vyberte si správne! Ostrov Unije.

Unije is a unique island in the Adriatic sea that is situated on the northwest of the island Losinj. It has received it's name from the Greek word 'heneios' that means field. Unije are mentioned for the first time in the book of the Jesuit Albert Fortis in 1774., and it was inhabited in the ancient times.

The island has many bays and beaches and it's ideal for the lovers of different sea activities such as diving and fishing. On the island is present just one homonymous settlement - Unije, with about 290 houses and 70 habitants.

Unije is the only island on which You can come with a boat or an airplane. You can reach with a boat from Mali Losinj, Pula or Rijeka. With an airplane You can come from the near airports of Vrsar or Rijeka, while from Mali Losinj You have a flight of 7 minutes.

On the island are located 2 restaurants, a grocery store, a post office and one tourist agency.

The island is specific because it has no cars and the guests can completely relax in peace and quiet.

The island is also called a flower island because it counts about 600 species of plants. The habitants deal with agriculture and tourism that is developing constantly. You can find many private accommodation offers on the island, while hotel accommodation is not present yet.

You can also enjoy in many hidden beaches and bays where You can take a bath, without to many people around You, in a beautiful crystal blue sea.


Člny Ostrov Unije - Člny