Dovolenkové domy Skradin
Luxusné vily, vily s bazénom vám poskytnú nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku. V závislosti od vašich preferencií môžete nájsť celý rad luxusných víl, dovolenkových domov s bazénom Skradin na pobreží alebo vo vnútrozemí, odpočívať v tichu a pokoji nedotknutej prírody. Luxusné vily môžu ubytovať väčšie rodiny alebo skupiny priateľov a umožňujú dovolenku a vynikajúce ubytovanie v krásnom prostredí
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Luxusné vily, vily s bazénom vám poskytnú nezabudnuteľnú dovolenku. V závislosti od vašich preferencií môžete nájsť celý rad luxusných víl, dovolenkových domov s bazénom Skradin na pobreží alebo vo vnútrozemí, odpočívať v tichu a pokoji nedotknutej prírody. Luxusné vily môžu ubytovať väčšie rodiny alebo skupiny priateľov a umožňujú dovolenku a vynikajúce ubytovanie v krásnom prostredí Skradin. Akákoľvek luxusná vila alebo dovolenkový dom s bazénom, ktorú si vyberiete, vám poskytne nezabudnuteľné chvíle v náručí luxusu a pohodlia. Každá jednotlivá vila má svoj vlastný fascinujúci príbeh, ktorý každý človek prežíva zvláštnym spôsobom. Charakter jednotlivých víl a špecialita, ktorá sa odráža v kvalite a všetkých doplnkových službách robia luxusné vily neodolateľnými a očarujúcimi pre každého hosťa. Oddajte sa hľadaniu svojho ideálneho ubytovania, prezrite si našu ponuku luxusných víl, domov s bazénom Skradin. Holiday house by the sea or a luxury villa with swimming pool in the interior will give you the beauty and the pleasures of the simple life. Beautiful scenery, comfortable environment, luxury accommodation and let them be your choice for a holiday destination Skradin.
Skradin is a small town located on the coastline of the river Krka and 16km away from the city of Sibenik. Here guests can enjoy swimming in the river Krka as well as at the mouth of the river which flows into the sea. Because of the mix of fresh water and saltwater, Skradin is known for its variety in seafood including fish and seashells as the town's inhabitants have a long fishing tradition. Skradin's many restaurants and taverns offer a wide variety of delicacies and each guest will be sure to try some of the specialties Dalmatian cuisine has to offer.
Skradin, being so close to the National Park of the river Krka, has become a point of transit for cycling and walks through its untouched nature as well as its beautiful view of the Krka waterfalls. Visitors can chose from a variety of accommodations that Skradin has to offer such as rooms, apartments, villas, Bed and Breakfasts, campsites and hotels.
In prehistorical times this once Illyrian town was called Scardona, and later on it became a roman municipality of which the ruins of its buildings and waterworks can be seen today as well as epigraphical monuments. Throughout the centuries Skradin has been demolished many times as a result of fighting between feudalists and yet it was always rejuvenated by new settlers. The remains of a Venetian tower and its surrounding walls as well as a Turkish fortress which was built later on both overlook the town of Skradin. During the era of national rule a preroman church was built in which stone fragments with woven motifs were used for decoration. The renaissance painter Juraj Culinovic and well-known organ maker Petar Nakic-Nakini were both born in Skradin.
The marina in Skradin is a quiet quay located in a deep cove at the mouth of the river Krka, near the National Park of Krka. It has around 180 moorings and is open throughout the whole year.