Farmy, ranče, agroturistika Lyžiarske strediská Bosna a Hercegovina Nájdite skvelú destináciu pre vašu dovolenku

Farmy, ranče, agroturistika Lyžiarske strediská Bosna a Hercegovina

Agroturistika je špeciálna forma cestovného ruchu, ktorá spája prírodné krásy, kultúrne dedičstvo a tradície, zdravé lokálne jedlo a vynikajúce víno. Pobyt na farme ponúka veľký výber dovolenkových domov, apartmánov a izieb na vidieckych farmách. Lyžiarske strediská Bosna a Hercegovina Vidiecka turistika je spojením čistej prírody, čerstvého vzduchu, spoznávania nepoznaného a vychutnávania si zabudnutých chutí miestnych špecialít. Agroturistika je predovšetkým dovolenka v tichu a zeleni, pri vychutnávaní miestnych gastronomických špecialít. Spoznajte miestne zvyky, tradície a ...
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Agroturistika je špeciálna forma cestovného ruchu, ktorá spája prírodné krásy, kultúrne dedičstvo a tradície, zdravé lokálne jedlo a vynikajúce víno. Pobyt na farme ponúka veľký výber dovolenkových domov, apartmánov a izieb na vidieckych farmách. Lyžiarske strediská Bosna a Hercegovina Vidiecka turistika je spojením čistej prírody, čerstvého vzduchu, spoznávania nepoznaného a vychutnávania si zabudnutých chutí miestnych špecialít. Agroturistika je predovšetkým dovolenka v tichu a zeleni, pri vychutnávaní miestnych gastronomických špecialít. Spoznajte miestne zvyky, tradície a jednoduchý spôsob života. Agroturistika je skvelý spôsob, ako objaviť rozmanitú kultúru a uniknúť do prírody. Prírodné krásy poskytujú aj rozmanité možnosti pre aktívnu turistiku. Lyžiarske strediská Bosna a Hercegovina. Autentické domy na vidieku a agroturistika v prírode prinášajú osobitý zážitok z dediny a vidieckeho spôsobu života. Pohľad cez okno vidieckeho ubytovania, apartmánu alebo izby odhaľuje krásne upravené záhrady, zeleň a vinice. Cyklotrasy nedotknutou prírodou v krásnom prostredí, nespočetné množstvo ciest vedúcich rôznymi smermi. Cesty olivového oleja, cesty vína... Lyžiarske strediská Bosna a Hercegovina. Vyberte si vidiecke ubytovanie a doprajte si pokojnú alebo aktívnu dovolenku, akú si zaslúžite. Pocit, na ktorý nezabudnete a vždy sa budete radi vracať. Lyžiarske strediská Bosna a Hercegovina.

As a country that has a moderate continental climatic conditions, with cold winters and hot summers, and the relief characteristics which are labelled with mountains and high elevated debris fields, and many pastures and meadows on high altitudes, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a state which recognised a possibility for the development of the winter tourism on its territory.
Most of the ski resorts is situated in the central part of the state and in the east and south-east part. Here is where are situated the mountain massifs of dinaric origin which are propitious for the development of the winter tourism and so far the ski resorts.
The most known ski resorts are situated near the big towns: Sarajevo (Jahorina, Bjelasnica and Igman), Mostar (Kupres) and Travnik e Zelenica (Vlasic). The most popular ones are those in the near surroundings of Sarajevo- Jahorina, Bkjelasnica and Igman which become famous because the Winter Olympic Games in 1984. that were held in Sarajevo.
The ski paths don’t have a significant length but their position and the nature that surrounds them, the advantageous prices and the kindness of the people are the reasons why the ski resorts in Bosnia increasing in popularity from year to year.
Except skiing there are few alternative activities in offer: snowboarding, moto-sledge and snow scooter rides, night skiing, Nordic skiing, sledge rides and so.
On almost every ski resorts of Bosnia the air is of high quality and has healing proprieties. Considering that fact it is recommended the visit of those places to all those who have a problem with a respiratory tract, to the person who are recovering of some operation and to sportsman.
When winter is replaced with the spring and the summer seasons the ski resorts are turning into areas rich of green woods, pastures and meadows with numerous species from the animal and the vegetative world, and becomes the scenery of many recreational activities. Paragliding, hiking, walking tours, hunting, horse riding, motocross riding, educational trips and so on.
In the war years, ski resorts suffered a significant devastation, but in the last years the existing infrastructure was renovated. The plan is to build up some new accommodation and hospitality infrastructure that will satisfy all the demands of their guests. The accommodation units that are in offer are: hotels, private houses, weekend houses, cottages, inns and motels.
The fresh air, the beautiful nature, good prices, friendly and kind hosts and the rich offer of recreational contents are the leading characteristics of the ski resorts in Bosnia which will surely become one of the most wanted destinations in this part of Europe.


Farmy, ranče, agroturistika Lyžiarske strediská Bosna a Hercegovina - Agroturistika