Farmy, ranče, agroturistika Ostrov Pag Nájdite skvelú destináciu pre vašu dovolenku

Farmy, ranče, agroturistika Ostrov Pag

Agroturistika je špeciálna forma cestovného ruchu, ktorá spája prírodné krásy, kultúrne dedičstvo a tradície, zdravé lokálne jedlo a vynikajúce víno. Pobyt na farme ponúka veľký výber dovolenkových domov, apartmánov a izieb na vidieckych farmách. Ostrov Pag Vidiecka turistika je spojením čistej prírody, čerstvého vzduchu, spoznávania nepoznaného a vychutnávania si zabudnutých chutí miestnych špecialít. Agroturistika je predovšetkým dovolenka v tichu a zeleni, pri vychutnávaní miestnych gastronomických špecialít. Spoznajte miestne zvyky, tradície a ...
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Agroturistika je špeciálna forma cestovného ruchu, ktorá spája prírodné krásy, kultúrne dedičstvo a tradície, zdravé lokálne jedlo a vynikajúce víno. Pobyt na farme ponúka veľký výber dovolenkových domov, apartmánov a izieb na vidieckych farmách. Ostrov Pag Vidiecka turistika je spojením čistej prírody, čerstvého vzduchu, spoznávania nepoznaného a vychutnávania si zabudnutých chutí miestnych špecialít. Agroturistika je predovšetkým dovolenka v tichu a zeleni, pri vychutnávaní miestnych gastronomických špecialít. Spoznajte miestne zvyky, tradície a jednoduchý spôsob života. Agroturistika je skvelý spôsob, ako objaviť rozmanitú kultúru a uniknúť do prírody. Prírodné krásy poskytujú aj rozmanité možnosti pre aktívnu turistiku. Ostrov Pag. Autentické domy na vidieku a agroturistika v prírode prinášajú osobitý zážitok z dediny a vidieckeho spôsobu života. Pohľad cez okno vidieckeho ubytovania, apartmánu alebo izby odhaľuje krásne upravené záhrady, zeleň a vinice. Cyklotrasy nedotknutou prírodou v krásnom prostredí, nespočetné množstvo ciest vedúcich rôznymi smermi. Cesty olivového oleja, cesty vína... Ostrov Pag. Vyberte si vidiecke ubytovanie a doprajte si pokojnú alebo aktívnu dovolenku, akú si zaslúžite. Pocit, na ktorý nezabudnete a vždy sa budete radi vracať. Ostrov Pag.

The island of Pag stretches along the Adriatic coast in Northern Dalmatia. The island's landscape is mainly rocky with some bushy patches and its fields and valleys are covered in rich vegetation, olive trees and vineyards. The island of Pag is known for its picturesque inlets and beaches, hunting grounds, their popular homemade cheese and lace as well as its many valuable monuments. These are just some of the things that make the island of Pag a wonderful tourist destination.
The main towns on the island are; Pag, Novalja, Povljana, Simuni, Zigljen, Kustici, Caska, Zubovici, Metajna, Potocnica, Lun as well as many smaller towns.
The town Pag is the island's main harbour as well as economic centre. It lies on the south-eastern side of the island in the inlet of Pag where the water flows into a shallow salty lake which is Pag's salt-pan. Pag is also known for its famous needlepoint which is a tradition that has been passed on from generation to generation. The building of the city of Pag began in the year 1443 with its straight roads and town square which were, most probably, planned by Prince Jurja Dalmatinac. As a tribute to this prince, a gothic castle was built. The fortress walls of the town and the roman-gothic church which was built in the 16th century are just a couple of historical monuments which were preserved. The city is also known for the hospitality of its people who will welcome you into their homes, apartments and rooms.
Novalja is known for its wide variety of restaurants, taverns, and nightlife in its discos and café bars. Its beautiful sandy beaches and great hospitality will satisfy every visitor’s needs. The inlets Zrce and Strasko, along with their sandy beaches, offers fun and entertainment in their nightclubs and café bars which are located right by the sea. Accommodation in Novalja includes apartments and rooms in beautiful villas, private homes, pansions, hotels and campsites.
Caska is a small town with one of the most beautiful beaches on the island of Pag. It is located in the heart of an old roman town from which the town of Cissa developed. Most of the villas and houses which offer accommodation such as apartments and rooms in Caska are located right by the beach.
Povljana is a town located on the south-western part of the island and is known for one special characteristic, its mud. The mud that is found in this area has a certain healing agent which helps in treating people who are suffering from rheumatism.
Metajna is a little town which is known for its natural source of drinking water. Accommodation in Metajna includes apartments, rooms, and pansions in private homes.
The island of Pag is a haven of beautiful beaches, sun and fun. Here visitors will get a taste of history while enjoying a wonderful and exciting holiday.


Farmy, ranče, agroturistika Ostrov Pag - Agroturistika