Farmy, ranče, agroturistika Split
Agroturistika je špeciálna forma cestovného ruchu, ktorá spája prírodné krásy, kultúrne dedičstvo a tradície, zdravé lokálne jedlo a vynikajúce víno. Pobyt na farme ponúka veľký výber dovolenkových domov, apartmánov a izieb na vidieckych farmách. Split Vidiecka turistika je spojením čistej prírody, čerstvého vzduchu, spoznávania nepoznaného a vychutnávania si zabudnutých chutí miestnych špecialít. Agroturistika je predovšetkým dovolenka v tichu a zeleni, pri vychutnávaní miestnych gastronomických špecialít. Spoznajte miestne zvyky, tradície a ...
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Agroturistika je špeciálna forma cestovného ruchu, ktorá spája prírodné krásy, kultúrne dedičstvo a tradície, zdravé lokálne jedlo a vynikajúce víno. Pobyt na farme ponúka veľký výber dovolenkových domov, apartmánov a izieb na vidieckych farmách. Split Vidiecka turistika je spojením čistej prírody, čerstvého vzduchu, spoznávania nepoznaného a vychutnávania si zabudnutých chutí miestnych špecialít. Agroturistika je predovšetkým dovolenka v tichu a zeleni, pri vychutnávaní miestnych gastronomických špecialít. Spoznajte miestne zvyky, tradície a jednoduchý spôsob života. Agroturistika je skvelý spôsob, ako objaviť rozmanitú kultúru a uniknúť do prírody. Prírodné krásy poskytujú aj rozmanité možnosti pre aktívnu turistiku. Split. Autentické domy na vidieku a agroturistika v prírode prinášajú osobitý zážitok z dediny a vidieckeho spôsobu života. Pohľad cez okno vidieckeho ubytovania, apartmánu alebo izby odhaľuje krásne upravené záhrady, zeleň a vinice. Cyklotrasy nedotknutou prírodou v krásnom prostredí, nespočetné množstvo ciest vedúcich rôznymi smermi. Cesty olivového oleja, cesty vína... Split. Vyberte si vidiecke ubytovanie a doprajte si pokojnú alebo aktívnu dovolenku, akú si zaslúžite. Pocit, na ktorý nezabudnete a vždy sa budete radi vracať. Split.
Split is the largest city in Dalmatia. It is also a major cultural, economical as well as tourist centre. Tourism in Split is developed and diverse. Visitors will find accommodations such as apartments, pansions, villas, hotels and campsites. Guests can enjoy wonderful Dalmatian cuisine and wines in one of the many restaurants and taverns which Split has to offer. Then, for some evening entertainment, Split has many café bars, nightclubs and discotheques.
Other than the hotels which are just outside the city, visitors can find accommodations in the city such as beautifully furnished apartments and room in private homes.
The city of Split lies on a peninsula in between the Castellan inlet and the Split canal. Towards the west there are the mountains Marjan, Kozjak and Mosor which protect the city from the northern cold.
Split is known for its young sporting fans. The city has the stadium of Poljud as well as sports centres where many sporting events are held.
Culturally, Split is one big museum. Just by taking a stroll down the city streets or across one of its many squares, visitors will get a taste of the past and have a chance to study the many monuments as well as the city's architecture.
Split is a city which has a stormy past and a rich historical heritage. Long ago it used to be the ancient Illyric-greek town of Aspalathos. Near the end of the 3rd century the emperor Diocletian built a palace within the city and was also buried there. The Diocletian palace is a cultural-historical monument which is under the protection of UNESCO. The palace has a basement as well as a covered walkway. In the middle of the southern wall are the Mjedena doors (Porta Aenea), along the eastern wall are the Silver doors (Porta Argentea), on the northern wall are the Golden doors (Porta Aurea) and on the western wall are the Iron doors (Porta Ferrea). In front of the Golden doors is the statue of Grgur Ninski which is the work of Ivan Mestrovic. On the eastern side of the peristyle is the mausoleum of emperor Diocletian as well as the cathedral of St. Dujo who is also the patron saint of Split. Along with the historical mausoleum and cathedral, there are also the monumental wooden doors made by Andrija Buvin and the stone pulpit from the 13th century.
Split is a beautiful city filled with history, culture and mystery. Come and enjoy a wonderful holiday in the city of Split.