Farmy, ranče, agroturistika Tribunj Nájdite skvelú destináciu pre vašu dovolenku

Farmy, ranče, agroturistika Tribunj

Agroturistika je špeciálna forma cestovného ruchu, ktorá spája prírodné krásy, kultúrne dedičstvo a tradície, zdravé lokálne jedlo a vynikajúce víno. Pobyt na farme ponúka veľký výber dovolenkových domov, apartmánov a izieb na vidieckych farmách. Tribunj Vidiecka turistika je spojením čistej prírody, čerstvého vzduchu, spoznávania nepoznaného a vychutnávania si zabudnutých chutí miestnych špecialít. Agroturistika je predovšetkým dovolenka v tichu a zeleni, pri vychutnávaní miestnych gastronomických špecialít. Spoznajte miestne zvyky, tradície a jednoduchý spôsob života. Agroturistika je skvelý spôsob, ako objaviť rozmanitú kultúru a uniknúť do prírody. Prírodné krásy poskytujú aj rozmanité možnosti pre aktívnu turistiku. Tribunj. Autentické domy na vidieku a agroturistika v prírode prinášajú osobitý zážitok z dediny a vidieckeho spôsobu života. Pohľad cez okno vidieckeho ubytovania, apartmánu alebo izby odhaľuje krásne upravené záhrady, zeleň a vinice. Cyklotrasy nedotknutou prírodou v krásnom prostredí, nespočetné množstvo ciest vedúcich rôznymi smermi. Cesty olivového oleja, cesty vína... Tribunj. Vyberte si vidiecke ubytovanie a doprajte si pokojnú alebo aktívnu dovolenku, akú si zaslúžite. Pocit, na ktorý nezabudnete a vždy sa budete radi vracať. Tribunj.

Tribunj is a small fishing town just 3km west of Vodice and it lies on a small peninsula. It was once an island and then, later on, was connected to the mainland by way of a stone bridge.

Tribunj is full of historical and cultural heritage. Visit the church of St. Nicolas which was built in the year 1452 as well as the preserved ruins of the town's defensive walls and, up on the hill, the fortress of Jurjevgrad which was built in the year 1650. The Old part of town was built on the island and it is made up of old stone houses and narrow streets which are the characteristics of most Dalmatian cities. The new part of Tribunj stretches along the inlet of Rupa. Here guests can find accommodation such as apartments and rooms in private homes.

Being so rich in fauna and flora, underwater safaris and photography are quite popular in Tribunj.
You can also check an interesting review of the Paralenz Vaquita which is excellent for underwater photography.
Other than diving, guests can enjoy activities such as learning to sail or playing a game of tennis.
As said earlier, Tribunj is a small fishing town. A tradition exists upon the fishermen’s return from the sea. The town square becomes an outdoor fish-market where people gather and visitors can enjoy the atmosphere.
After a long day of activities it is time to enjoy some wonderful seafood. Guests can choose from a variety of seashells, crab, and fish dishes as well as fish stew with polenta which is a fine delicacy.
The small fishing town of Tribunj has everything necessary to make your holiday fun and enjoyable.


Farmy, ranče, agroturistika Tribunj - Agroturistika