Farmy, ranče, agroturistika Vodice Nájdite skvelú destináciu pre vašu dovolenku

Farmy, ranče, agroturistika Vodice

Agroturistika je špeciálna forma cestovného ruchu, ktorá spája prírodné krásy, kultúrne dedičstvo a tradície, zdravé lokálne jedlo a vynikajúce víno. Pobyt na farme ponúka veľký výber dovolenkových domov, apartmánov a izieb na vidieckych farmách. Vodice Vidiecka turistika je spojením čistej prírody, čerstvého vzduchu, spoznávania nepoznaného a vychutnávania si zabudnutých chutí miestnych špecialít. Agroturistika je predovšetkým dovolenka v tichu a zeleni, pri vychutnávaní miestnych gastronomických špecialít. Spoznajte miestne zvyky, tradície a jednoduchý spôsob života. Agroturistika je skvelý spôsob, ako objaviť rozmanitú kultúru a uniknúť do prírody. Prírodné krásy poskytujú aj rozmanité možnosti pre aktívnu turistiku. Vodice. Autentické domy na vidieku a agroturistika v prírode prinášajú osobitý zážitok z dediny a vidieckeho spôsobu života. Pohľad cez okno vidieckeho ubytovania, apartmánu alebo izby odhaľuje krásne upravené záhrady, zeleň a vinice. Cyklotrasy nedotknutou prírodou v krásnom prostredí, nespočetné množstvo ciest vedúcich rôznymi smermi. Cesty olivového oleja, cesty vína... Vodice. Vyberte si vidiecke ubytovanie a doprajte si pokojnú alebo aktívnu dovolenku, akú si zaslúžite. Pocit, na ktorý nezabudnete a vždy sa budete radi vracať. Vodice.

Vodice is a small, yet well-known tourist destination located on the Sibenik Riviera.
In earlier times, Vodice's inhabitants occupied themselves with fishing as well as agriculture. Nowadays, they have combined these two occupations with tourism.

This town is located 13km north of the city of Sibenik in a shallow cove in between Cape Borovnik and the Vrulja Cove. Beautiful beaches, small intimate coves and aromatic untouched vegetation have helped make Vodice an attractive tourist destination.

Vodice is also known for its cultural and historical monuments. Some of these monuments are the Caric tower built in the 16th century and two churches – the church of the Holy Cross which is located at the old cemetery and was built in the year 1421, and the church of the Holy Cross which is in the centre of town and was built in 1746.

Vodice offers a wide range of accommodation; hotels, apartments, and campsites. Along with its hotels and campsites, visitors can rent out rooms and apartments in private homes as well as bungalows.
Vodice also has a very well-equipped marina with approximately 400 parking spaces for boats and yachts. Guests can make use of Vodice's sports facilities such as tennis courts, football fields, as well as play beach volleyball. They can also enjoy water sports such as scuba diving, surfing and sailing.
Come and enjoy a dynamic as well as relaxing holiday in Vodice.


Farmy, ranče, agroturistika Vodice - Agroturistika