Hostely, ubytovňa Lyžiarsky areál Vlasic Nájdite skvelú destináciu pre vašu dovolenku

Hostely, ubytovňa Lyžiarsky areál Vlasic

Hostely, lacné ubytovanie pre nezabudnuteľné chvíle socializácie a zábavy. Ubytovne poskytujú dovolenkové ubytovanie pre skupiny priateľov, školské skupiny a športové skupiny. Lyžiarsky areál Vlasic Ale aj mladí ľudia, ktorí cestujú sami a túžia spoznať iných ľudí z celého sveta. Vďaka príjemnej a uvoľnenej atmosfére a veľmi prijateľným cenám je ubytovanie v hosteloch ideálne pre ľudí s otvoreným charakterom. V hoste...
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Hostely, lacné ubytovanie pre nezabudnuteľné chvíle socializácie a zábavy. Ubytovne poskytujú dovolenkové ubytovanie pre skupiny priateľov, školské skupiny a športové skupiny. Lyžiarsky areál Vlasic Ale aj mladí ľudia, ktorí cestujú sami a túžia spoznať iných ľudí z celého sveta. Vďaka príjemnej a uvoľnenej atmosfére a veľmi prijateľným cenám je ubytovanie v hosteloch ideálne pre ľudí s otvoreným charakterom. V hosteloch väčšinou zdieľate izby s inými ľuďmi, pričom niektoré hostely ponúkajú aj možnosť súkromných izieb. Lyžiarsky areál Vlasic. Služby hostelov často využívajú ľudia cestujúci alebo ľudia, ktorí potrebujú ubytovanie len na jednu noc. Hostely ponúkajú cenovo dostupné ubytovanie, kde si užijete stretnutia s mladými ľuďmi z celého sveta. Lyžiarsky areál Vlasic. Nájdite ideálny hostel pre vašu dovolenku a vyberte si optimálnu ponuku, ktorá vyhovuje vašim požiadavkám a prianiam. Lyžiarsky areál Vlasic.

In the heart of Bosnia and Hercegovina, on the half way from the sea and the big cities of the continental part, beside the river Ugar is situated the mountain massif of Vlasic which as a enormous fort that dominates the surroundings. It’s highest peak it’s situated on 1943m of highness.
The fact that here the snow last aproximately for 5 months a year it’s an advantage that helped the development of the sport centre Babanovac on a higess of 1260 m. The ski centre has a total of 14 km of ski paths which are divided in 2 groups: easy and intermediate. The ski-paths have a favourable geographical position because they are protected from the south winds. Except skiing on Babanovac there is a possibility to practice snowboarding, night skiing, sledging, nordic skiing-total ski paths lenght 15 km, snow scooter rides the so called snow safari. Here is also a 90 m high ski jump on wich were held the Pokal Vlasic- European Cup, an international level competition, that now is not in use but they are working to get it back on feet soon. The ski centre has 2 ski-lifts:  Markovac, Babanovac I and II and the Baby ski-lift.
As an aditional characteristic in the winter season we can point out ski and snowboard competition that are held every year and are frequently accompanied with live open-air concerts.
An extremly quality air with healing propieties around Vlasic is recomanded for those who have problems with respiratory tracks. Because of it’s woods, meadows with various flovers, water springs and the river Ugar, Vlasic is a popular destination also in summer. Hiking/organized hiking trips, excursions, visit of the quarters were is made a famous chees of Vlasic and walking paths on the most attractive parts of Vlasic are a strong motivation that attracts numerous guests even in summer.
As a special attraction of Vlasic there is a need to mention the rich night life there. Among the young population it has a reputation of a cult ski center in this area that offers a rich night life with disco clubs and bars.
About the fact that on Vlasic everything is arranged for the guests speaks the accomodation offer for itself: hotels, inns, motels, private houses, weekend houses. Regarding the hospitality offer it is not so rich as the accomodation one, but as a part of a development plan they are working also on this sphere according to increase the existing potentials by building several new restaurants, bars, pizza places.
In the animal worl there is one great characteristic information to mention. Precisly Vlasic is the home of the bosnian sheep dog- the so called TORNJAK, which You will be able to see in this area during one of Your walks on Vlasic.
Vlasic is definitely one of the major leading touristic centre in this region, and it’s position as it is confirmed by the guests who are coming back here from year to year.


Hostely, ubytovňa Lyžiarsky areál Vlasic - Hostely