Hostely, ubytovňa Pirovac Nájdite skvelú destináciu pre vašu dovolenku

Hostely, ubytovňa Pirovac

Hostely, lacné ubytovanie pre nezabudnuteľné chvíle socializácie a zábavy. Ubytovne poskytujú dovolenkové ubytovanie pre skupiny priateľov, školské skupiny a športové skupiny. Pirovac Ale aj mladí ľudia, ktorí cestujú sami a túžia spoznať iných ľudí z celého sveta. Vďaka príjemnej a uvoľnenej atmosfére a veľmi prijateľným cenám je ubytovanie v hosteloch ideálne pre ľudí s otvoreným charakterom. V hosteloch väčšinou zdieľate izby s inými ľuďmi, pričom niektoré hostely ponúkajú aj možnosť súkromných izieb. Pirovac. Služby hostelov často využívajú ľudia cestujúci alebo ľudia, ktorí potrebujú ubytovanie len na jednu noc. Hostely ponúkajú cenovo dostupné ubytovanie, kde si užijete stretnutia s mladými ľuďmi z celého sveta. Pirovac. Nájdite ideálny hostel pre vašu dovolenku a vyberte si optimálnu ponuku, ktorá vyhovuje vašim požiadavkám a prianiam. Pirovac.

Pirovac is a small town 23km north of Sibenik and lies in the Pirovac inlet. Pirovac is popular for its developed nautical tourism because of its many inlets where visitors can set anchor and enjoy the town's untouched nature. Stinica, Vrulje, Vrilo, and Makirina are just some of the inlets which surround Pirovac with their beautiful beaches and clear blue sea. The mud found in the inlet of Makirina is a healing agent which tourists can make use of.
Just 5km north of Pirovac lays the Park of nature Lake Vransko which is an ideal place for sports fishing.
Pirovac offers a wide range of accommodation which guests can chose from; apartments, rooms, villas and pansions. The townspeople’s main occupations are fishing, growing olive trees and producing olive oil. Along with these occupations, they also offer accommodation (apartments and rooms).
This small town was first mentioned in the year 1298 and was known as Zloselo. In the centre of the town lies a partially preserved wall from the 16th century as well as the church of St. Jurja built in the year 1506. On the nearby island of St. Stjepan (Sustipanac) lay findings which date back to roman times, as well as remains of an old Franciscan monastery.
Pirovac is a small Mediterranean town filled with beauty and history. This town and its surrounding nature are just waiting to be explored.


Hostely, ubytovňa Pirovac - Hostely