Hotely Podstrana
Hotely v závislosti od želaní a potrieb hostí poskytujú hosťom služby ubytovania a stravy, zábavy a vybavenia. Hotely ponúkajú kvalitný a pestrý výber ubytovania. Veľké hotely, rodinné hotely, all inclusive hotely, luxusné hotely, historické hotely, romantické hotely, wellness hotely, last minute hotely. Ponuka hotela v Podstrana umožňuje každému hosťovi ubytovanie pre pohodlnú a bezstarostnú dovolenku. Premýšľate o oddychovej dovolenke s rodinou, partnerom alebo aktívnej dovolenke s priateľmi? Bez ohľadu na to, kde sa rozhodnete stráviť dovolenku, či uvažujete o letnej a zimnej dovolenke...
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Hotely v závislosti od želaní a potrieb hostí poskytujú hosťom služby ubytovania a stravy, zábavy a vybavenia. Hotely ponúkajú kvalitný a pestrý výber ubytovania. Veľké hotely, rodinné hotely, all inclusive hotely, luxusné hotely, historické hotely, romantické hotely, wellness hotely, last minute hotely. Ponuka hotela v Podstrana umožňuje každému hosťovi ubytovanie pre pohodlnú a bezstarostnú dovolenku. Premýšľate o oddychovej dovolenke s rodinou, partnerom alebo aktívnej dovolenke s priateľmi? Bez ohľadu na to, kde sa rozhodnete stráviť dovolenku, či uvažujete o letnej a zimnej dovolenke alebo o krátkej víkendovej dovolenke. Hľadáte hotel priamo na pláži s krásnym výhľadom na more, hotel s lyžiarskym strediskom alebo hľadáte hotelové ubytovanie pre relaxačnú dovolenku v odľahlej nedotknutej prírode .. Vyberte si destináciu Podstrana a hotel podľa vášho vkusu. Ak hľadáte luxusný hotel, ponúkame vám ubytovanie v hoteli, vďaka ktorému bude váš pobyt nezabudnuteľný. Luxusný hotel spája komfort hotela s individuálnym prístupom ku každému hosťovi. Izby a suity sú plne vybavené a vkusne zariadené. Ubytovanie v luxusnom hoteli vám umožní vychutnať si luxus, wellness zariadenia pre skutočné potešenie. Ak hľadáte lacný hotel alebo last minute ponuku pre destináciu Podstrana hotely v našej ponuke splnia vaše očakávania a urobia vašu dovolenku príjemnou a zaujímavou.
On the south-east from the town Split - exactly 8 km away, between the river of Zrnovica and the hill of Mutograsa, is situated Podstrana. As one of the places situated along the 6-km coast, Podstrana has beautiful gravel beaches, clean sea and thick Mediterranean vegetation, pines and tamarisk bushes.
Podstrana is the favourite bathing resort of the people from Split. Apart from being known as a tourist town, Podstrana is also famous as an agriculture area where grow lettuce, peaches and cherries.
According to the oldest historic documentation the area of Podstrana was inhabited by the Illyrian tribe of Pituntini.
Naturally the Romans also left here their trace and from the medieval time there are two churches, both dedicated to Saint George, while from the baroque stile we have the main church of Saint Anthony. The historic resources point out that near the church of Saint Martin was made truce between the Venetian doge Peter Tradenius and the prince Mislav.
In summer Podstrana offers a various programs of musical, literary, art and scene-play contents. With the development of the tourism, during the last few decades, the accommodation offer was significantly improved and nowadays you can choose between hotels, apartments, and rooms. The gastronomic offer consists in traditional meals on fish base and the Dalmatian vines that are offered in restaurants and taverns.
If you like the hills those which rise up above the main highway are ideal for daily trips and for enjoying in nature. The sport contents are available in the hotel proximity, and for the lovers of the nightlife here are many bars and cafés and for those who like to party the whole night we recommend to visit Split.
Podstrana has a good geographical position that improved the development of tourism on that area. The proximity of Split guarantees to a guest the possibility of choosing between numerous contents that the city offers, while Podstrana offers the possibility to withdraw on some beach and enjoy in the nature under the shadow.