Hotely Rogoznica Nájdite skvelú destináciu pre vašu dovolenku

Hotely Rogoznica

Hotely v závislosti od želaní a potrieb hostí poskytujú hosťom služby ubytovania a stravy, zábavy a vybavenia. Hotely ponúkajú kvalitný a pestrý výber ubytovania. Veľké hotely, rodinné hotely, all inclusive hotely, luxusné hotely, historické hotely, romantické hotely, wellness hotely, last minute hotely. Ponuka hotela v Rogoznica umožňuje každému hosťovi ubytovanie pre pohodlnú a bezstarostnú dovolenku. Premýšľate o oddychovej dovolenke s rodinou, partnerom alebo aktívnej dovolenke s priateľmi? Bez ohľadu na to, kde sa rozhodnete stráviť dovolenku, či uvažujete o letnej a zimnej dovolenke alebo o krátkej víkendovej dovolenke. Hľadáte hotel priamo na pláži s krásnym výhľadom na more, hotel s lyžiarskym strediskom alebo hľadáte hotelové ubytovanie pre relaxačnú dovolenku v odľahlej nedotknutej prírode .. Vyberte si destináciu Rogoznica a hotel podľa vášho vkusu. Ak hľadáte luxusný hotel, ponúkame vám ubytovanie v hoteli, vďaka ktorému bude váš pobyt nezabudnuteľný. Luxusný hotel spája komfort hotela s individuálnym prístupom ku každému hosťovi. Izby a suity sú plne vybavené a vkusne zariadené. Ubytovanie v luxusnom hoteli vám umožní vychutnať si luxus, wellness zariadenia pre skutočné potešenie. Ak hľadáte lacný hotel alebo last minute ponuku pre destináciu Rogoznica hotely v našej ponuke splnia vaše očakávania a urobia vašu dovolenku príjemnou a zaujímavou.

The town of Rogoznica, which sits on a peninsula in the Rogoznica inlet, is 35km south of Sibenik. This peninsula was once the small island of Kopara and then, in the 19th century, it was connected to the mainland by a bridge of gravel.
Rogoznica is known for its marina and harbour which are said to be the most beautiful and equipped on the whole Adriatic and this is why it is visited all year round. Within this inlet a man-made island was made to enhance its marina which fits 300 boats off-shore and 100 boats connected to shore.
Rogoznica is a typical mediterranean town who's main sources of income are fishing, agriculture and tourism. Accomodations include a large number of rooms and appartments in villas and private homes.
This town was first mentioned in the year 1518. Still visible are the remains of a fort and windmill which sit at the top of the island which the frence started to build in the year 1809. The town church was built in the year 1615 and the mediaevil church of St. Nicolas was also preserved and sits in the Old Town of Rogoznica. Just south of Rogoznica, on Cape Ploce, stands the church of St. Ivan Trogirska. This church is a beautiful example of dalmation architecture and was built in the 13th century.
Rogoznica is a town full of history and beauty. Come and sail into its beautiful marina and enjoy a holiday full of sun and fun.


Hotel Rogoznica