Kempingy, mobilné domy Ostrov Losinj Nájdite skvelú destináciu pre vašu dovolenku

Kempingy, mobilné domy Ostrov Losinj

Kempy sú obľúbenou destináciou všetkých, ktorí hľadajú aktívnu dovolenku a dobrodružstvo. Ubytovanie v kempe dáva jedinečný pocit slobody. Kempy sú určené ako miesta na oddych, kde sa spojíte s prírodou, s rodinou a priateľmi. Ostrov Losinj Kempy pri mori, rieke, hore alebo v národnom parku. Od rodinných alebo romantických kempingových miest pri mori alebo vo vnútrozemí cez kempingové vily s vlastným bazénom, s vírivkou až po luxusné glampingy. Ostrov Losinj. Vyhľadávanie a rezervácia kempingov je veľmi jednoduchá. Naša ponuka zahŕňa kempy, glampingy, bungalovy, mobilné domy v krásnych a zaujímavých lokalitách obklopených prírodou. Rodinné tábory, tábory so zázemím pre deti, tábory, ktoré akceptujú domáce zvieratá, tábory s krásnym výhľadom. Ostrov Losinj. Nájdite kemp, ktorý splní všetky vaše priania a požiadavky, a vyberte si najlepšiu ponuku pre vašu dovolenku. Ostrov Losinj.

The island of Losinj is just a part of Losinj's archipelago which includes the surrounding smaller islands. The larger towns on the island of Losinj are Artatore, Nerezine, Veli Losinj and Mali Losinj.
Mali Losinj is the largest town and is the main harbour on the island. It is located in a very deep inlet so its harbour is very well protected from the open sea. In its harbour you will find a marina for yachts and a shipyard. In the past, ship-building was the city's main source of income. Now, most of the population is occupied by tourism. This Mediterranean town is filled with historical churches and monuments as well as beautiful houses which were built long ago and are very well preserved. Mali Losinj offers accommodations as in surrounding campsites, hotels, apartments and rooms in private homes. It is also known for its many restaurants and taverns which serve fantastic seafood and great traditional cuisine. Guests can enjoy walks along the promenade by the sea which stretches from Mali Losinj to the town of Cikat.
The town of Veli Losinj was built around the church of St. Nicolas and not far from it is a tower which was built in the 15th century to protect the harbour and town from pirates. Veli Losinj, by size, is smaller than Mali Losinj, but also offers apartments, hotels, entertainment, sports and recreation.
Island of Losinj is surrounded by beautiful beaches and clear blue sea. Visitors can choose to come by boat or fly. Losinj has a small international airport for sport aircrafts and is great for those who would like to getaway for the weekend.
Sailing around Losinj can be a unique experience, for guests will have the chance to see a certain species of dolphin which lives in Losinj's aquatory.
Losinj is small and unique. Its nature and beauty will knock you off your feet.


Kempingy, mobilné domy Ostrov Losinj - Kempingy, mobilné domy