Kempingy, mobilné domy Ostrov Vir Nájdite skvelú destináciu pre vašu dovolenku

Kempingy, mobilné domy Ostrov Vir

Kempy sú obľúbenou destináciou všetkých, ktorí hľadajú aktívnu dovolenku a dobrodružstvo. Ubytovanie v kempe dáva jedinečný pocit slobody. Kempy sú určené ako miesta na oddych, kde sa spojíte s prírodou, s rodinou a priateľmi. Ostrov Vir Kempy pri mori, rieke, hore alebo v národnom parku. Od rodinných alebo romantických kempingových miest pri mori alebo vo vnútrozemí cez kempingové vily s vlastným bazénom, s vírivkou až po luxusné glampingy. Ostrov Vir. Vyhľadávanie a rezervácia kempingov je veľmi jednoduchá. Naša ponuka zahŕňa kempy, glampingy, bungalovy, mobilné domy v krásnych a zaujímavých lokalitách obklopených prírodou. Rodinné tábory, tábory so zázemím pre deti, tábory, ktoré akceptujú domáce zvieratá, tábory s krásnym výhľadom. Ostrov Vir. Nájdite kemp, ktorý splní všetky vaše priania a požiadavky, a vyberte si najlepšiu ponuku pre vašu dovolenku. Ostrov Vir.

The island of Vir spans over an area of 22,3km2 and is located in the north-western part of Zadar's large group of islands. The Privlaka canal which is 3m deep and 300m wide separates the island from the mainland and the island is connected to the mainland by way of a bridge. Vir's landscape is mostly rocky except for a small area at the north-western end of the island. The island's population mostly raise sheep as well as gather sand.
Vir is known for its weekend tourism and is the perfect place for a family to take a peaceful holiday. Restaurants and taverns are situated in the heart of the town of Vir and offer delicious homemade cuisine and exquisite Dalmatian wines. Accommodations on this beautiful island include apartments and rooms as well as campsites. The largest town on the island is located above the Sapavac inlet.
Located in the town are remains from the Illyrian era (the peak of St. Juraj) as well as the remains of two churches from the pre-roman era. Not far from the town's cemetery, by the sea, stands the Kastelina which are the remains of a Venetian fortress which dates back to the 17th century. Preserved are the walls of two towers as well as three coats of arms carved into the stone above the entranceway.


Kempingy, mobilné domy Ostrov Vir - Kempingy, mobilné domy