Kempingy, mobilné domy Rovinj Nájdite skvelú destináciu pre vašu dovolenku

Kempingy, mobilné domy Rovinj

Kempy sú obľúbenou destináciou všetkých, ktorí hľadajú aktívnu dovolenku a dobrodružstvo. Ubytovanie v kempe dáva jedinečný pocit slobody. Kempy sú určené ako miesta na oddych, kde sa spojíte s prírodou, s rodinou a priateľmi. Rovinj Kempy pri mori, rieke, hore alebo v národnom parku. Od rodinných alebo romantických kempingových miest pri mori alebo vo vnútrozemí cez kempingové vily s vlastným bazénom, s vírivkou až po luxusné glampingy.
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Kempy sú obľúbenou destináciou všetkých, ktorí hľadajú aktívnu dovolenku a dobrodružstvo. Ubytovanie v kempe dáva jedinečný pocit slobody. Kempy sú určené ako miesta na oddych, kde sa spojíte s prírodou, s rodinou a priateľmi. Rovinj Kempy pri mori, rieke, hore alebo v národnom parku. Od rodinných alebo romantických kempingových miest pri mori alebo vo vnútrozemí cez kempingové vily s vlastným bazénom, s vírivkou až po luxusné glampingy. Rovinj. Vyhľadávanie a rezervácia kempingov je veľmi jednoduchá. Naša ponuka zahŕňa kempy, glampingy, bungalovy, mobilné domy v krásnych a zaujímavých lokalitách obklopených prírodou. Rodinné tábory, tábory so zázemím pre deti, tábory, ktoré akceptujú domáce zvieratá, tábory s krásnym výhľadom. Rovinj. Nájdite kemp, ktorý splní všetky vaše priania a požiadavky, a vyberte si najlepšiu ponuku pre vašu dovolenku. Rovinj.

If Istria is the most beautiful shell in the Adriatic Sea, then Rovinj is its pearl. Rovinj is a well-known tourist destination and it has quality accommodation including apartments and rooms in private homes.
Rovinj can be described as a city of romance. It lies on the western coast of the Istrian peninsula. The historical centre is set on a hill which was once an island. There are many apartments and rooms in Rovinj, as well as other private accommodation which blend into their historical surroundings, being narrow stone streets and old buildings all adjoined along the way up to the baroque church of St. Eufemija whose bell tower stands tall over the city.
Due to Rovinj's mild climate, amount of sunny days, warm sea, attractive scenery, as well as historical monuments and old town, it is a popular meeting place for all kinds of artists – painters, writers and actors – throughout the whole year.
Rovinj's archipelago contains many islands and islets (13), numerous bays and ports, the Lim Fjord, the Park of Nature Zlatni Rt (Golden Cape) and a marina. Along with the scenery, guests can enjoy activities such as sports and sailing by day as well as the city's wild nightlife.
The Riviera of Rovinj features a great number of hotels, tourist villages, apartments, rooms, campsites and marinas as well as restaurants and other catering establishments.
The many restaurants in Rovinj offer a wide range of cuisine including many seafood and meat specialties as well as mouth watering desserts. Sports and recreational facilities are another feature guests can take advantage of. For those who would like to learn something new, there are schools for scuba diving, windsurfing and tennis in Rovinj. Tournaments and competitions are also organised and here guests can show their competitive spirit.
For a holiday filled with sun and good times, come to the beautiful city of Rovinj.


Kempingy, mobilné domy Rovinj - Kempingy, mobilné domy