Kempingy, mobilné domy Spa Chorvátsko
Kempy sú obľúbenou destináciou všetkých, ktorí hľadajú aktívnu dovolenku a dobrodružstvo. Ubytovanie v kempe dáva jedinečný pocit slobody. Kempy sú určené ako miesta na oddych, kde sa spojíte s prírodou, s rodinou a priateľmi. Spa Chorvátsko Kempy pri mori, rieke, hore alebo v národnom parku. Od rodinných alebo romantických kempingových miest pri mori alebo vo vnútrozemí cez kempingové vily s vlastným bazénom, s vírivkou až po luxusné glampingy.
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Kempy sú obľúbenou destináciou všetkých, ktorí hľadajú aktívnu dovolenku a dobrodružstvo. Ubytovanie v kempe dáva jedinečný pocit slobody. Kempy sú určené ako miesta na oddych, kde sa spojíte s prírodou, s rodinou a priateľmi. Spa Chorvátsko Kempy pri mori, rieke, hore alebo v národnom parku. Od rodinných alebo romantických kempingových miest pri mori alebo vo vnútrozemí cez kempingové vily s vlastným bazénom, s vírivkou až po luxusné glampingy. Spa Chorvátsko. Vyhľadávanie a rezervácia kempingov je veľmi jednoduchá. Naša ponuka zahŕňa kempy, glampingy, bungalovy, mobilné domy v krásnych a zaujímavých lokalitách obklopených prírodou. Rodinné tábory, tábory so zázemím pre deti, tábory, ktoré akceptujú domáce zvieratá, tábory s krásnym výhľadom. Spa Chorvátsko. Nájdite kemp, ktorý splní všetky vaše priania a požiadavky, a vyberte si najlepšiu ponuku pre vašu dovolenku. Spa Chorvátsko.
The healing characteristics of thermal and mineral spring watersare known for ages. The old Romans built up pools with healing waters in them and enjoyed in them adding oils, flower leafs, healing herbs etc.
Croatia has it’s own thermal centres in which are offered treatments for relaxation, beauty, anti-stress, rehabilitation etc. All those programs are based on using mineral and thermal spring waters, which with her healing ingredients helps in revitalising, physical and psychical health.
The major part of the thermal centres in Croatia is situated on the north part of the country, in Zagorje and in the area of Panonian valley. In the Zagorje the most known thermal centres are near the town of Varazdin, Stubica, Krapina and Tuhelj. In Slavonia, part of the Panonian valley, there are centres near Daruvar, Lipik, Topusko, Valpovo. In that area, during the burrows in which engineers look for oil and gas sources, were discovered several underground waters with healing proprieties. Near this sources were built thermal and healing centres. The fact that the location of the main thermal centres in Croatia is exactly in that area proves the fact that once upon a time here was situated the Panonian sea.
Of all the thermal and healing centres in the Mediterranean part of Croatia those in Istria are the most famous. They are situated in the north-central part of the peninsula. The other centres in that region are most of all oriented to guests who come on rehabilitation programs. The most known are in Umag, Opatija, Crikvenica and Hvar.
All those centres offer a wide range of programs in which each of the guest will find the one that suits him the most. A good equipment of the mentioned centres, a qualified and trained staff and a wide range of accommodation infrastructure such as hotels and apartments are a guarantee for an excellent relaxing vacation that You will certainly want to repeat.