Petrovac is an old village, raised on the crossing of the roads that goes to Budva, Bar, the lake of Skadarsko and Podgorica. Petrovac is distant from Budva 18 kilometres.
Nowadays Petrovac is a tourist calm location, attractive with its sand beaches. The beach of Petrovac is part of a protected area. The sandy beach is 600 meters long and is one of the most visited on the coast of Budva. A particular fascination is given to it from island Katic and Sveta Nedjelja, which are an attraction for the lovers of...
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Petrovac is an old village, raised on the crossing of the roads that goes to Budva, Bar, the lake of Skadarsko and Podgorica. Petrovac is distant from Budva 18 kilometres.
Nowadays Petrovac is a tourist calm location, attractive with its sand beaches. The beach of Petrovac is part of a protected area. The sandy beach is 600 meters long and is one of the most visited on the coast of Budva. A particular fascination is given to it from island Katic and Sveta Nedjelja, which are an attraction for the lovers of sub. Along the beach there are many bars and restaurants.
At 500 meters of distance from Petrovac is situated the beach of Lucice that is 220 meters long and has the aspect of a small bay. It is an ideal beach for children because the sea is not too deep, it is sandy and there are a lot of pines.
Petrovac was raised during the Romans and it is supposed that it was one of the spots where the sailors of the ancient Rome in their travels through the Adriatic sea was stopping. In the location of Miriste two roman mosaics of those periods are remained. In front of Petrovac is situated an island called Katic with the church Sv. Nedjelja, that was constructed by a sailor, who based on the legend, after a storm saved himself on this island. Petrovac was mentioned for before the time in the annals of Abbot Dukljan and the first name of this location was Lastva.
Preskúmajte našu skvelú ponuku ubytovania, hotely, apartmány, izby, turistická osada, dovolenkové domy, luxusné vily s bazénom, kempingy, mobilné domy, hostely, farmy, ranče, agroturistika, dovolenky na farme a vyberte si ideálne ubytovanie na vašu dovolenku.
Petrovac - Vyhľadávanie a rezervácia ubytovania je veľmi jednoduchá. Vyberte si ubytovanie, ktoré najlepšie vyhovuje vašim želaniam.
Pre nezabudnuteľný zážitok a spomienky, ktoré si budete pamätať. Pre vašu relaxačnú dovolenku a špeciálny zážitok. Strávte dovolenku s rodinou alebo priateľmi.
Petrovac - Ubytovanie v krásnej a zaujímavej destinácii. Vyberte si destináciu a ubytovanie len podľa svojho vkusu. Ubytovanie v našej ponuke splní Vaše očakávania a urobí Vašu dovolenku príjemnou a zaujímavou. Rezervujte si ubytovanie a strávenie pohodovej dovolenky v cieli.
Hotels in Petrovac
Private accommodations in Petrovac
Tourist resorts in Petrovac
Holiday houses in Petrovac
Vily s bazénom Petrovac
Kempingy, mobilné domy Petrovac
Člny Petrovac
Farmy, ranče, agroturistika Petrovac
Hostely, ubytovňa Petrovac
Tourist offers Petrovac
Gastronomy Petrovac
Health Tourism Petrovac
Active Tourism Petrovac
Culture Tourism Petrovac
Nightlife Petrovac
Transfers Petrovac
Events and entertainment Petrovac
Excursions Petrovac
Petrovac - Hotely, apartmány, súkromné ubytovanie, izby