Tar is a town located in the western part of Istria, 10km away from Porec. Being so close to Porec, it has become a well-known tourist destination and vacation spot. The town sits at the mouth of the river Mirna which flows into the sea and here tourism and fishing have especially developed. Tar is situated on a plateau overlooking the bay of Tar with its small fishing village and many seafood restaurants.Near Tar is the Lanterna peninsula where a modern tourist complex was built which includes accommodations such...
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Tar is a town located in the western part of Istria, 10km away from Porec. Being so close to Porec, it has become a well-known tourist destination and vacation spot. The town sits at the mouth of the river Mirna which flows into the sea and here tourism and fishing have especially developed. Tar is situated on a plateau overlooking the bay of Tar with its small fishing village and many seafood restaurants.
Near Tar is the Lanterna peninsula where a modern tourist complex was built which includes accommodations such as apartments, hotels, rooms and campsite. Visitors can also take part in some sports and recreation such as tennis, table tennis, minigolf, beach volleyball, horseback riding, surfing, sailing and scuba diving.
Tar is made up of three small towns: Tar, Frata and Vabriga. In the past, these three small towns used to be three separate parishes which had their own churches and church towers: the churches of St. Martin, St. Mihovila and St. Anton.
The townspeople of Tar maintain a long tradition in wine-growing and manufacturing olive oil and are turning more and more towards tourism. Tar has held on to its charm as an authentic Istrian town with its people, tradition and beautiful sea.
Preskúmajte našu skvelú ponuku ubytovania, hotely, apartmány, izby, turistická osada, dovolenkové domy, luxusné vily s bazénom, kempingy, mobilné domy, hostely, farmy, ranče, agroturistika, dovolenky na farme a vyberte si ideálne ubytovanie na vašu dovolenku.
Tar - Vyhľadávanie a rezervácia ubytovania je veľmi jednoduchá. Vyberte si ubytovanie, ktoré najlepšie vyhovuje vašim želaniam.
Pre nezabudnuteľný zážitok a spomienky, ktoré si budete pamätať. Pre vašu relaxačnú dovolenku a špeciálny zážitok. Strávte dovolenku s rodinou alebo priateľmi.
Tar - Ubytovanie v krásnej a zaujímavej destinácii. Vyberte si destináciu a ubytovanie len podľa svojho vkusu. Ubytovanie v našej ponuke splní Vaše očakávania a urobí Vašu dovolenku príjemnou a zaujímavou. Rezervujte si ubytovanie a strávenie pohodovej dovolenky v cieli.
Hotels in Tar
Private accommodations in Tar
Tourist resorts in Tar
Holiday houses in Tar
Vily s bazénom Tar
Kempingy, mobilné domy Tar
Člny Tar
Farmy, ranče, agroturistika Tar
Hostely, ubytovňa Tar
Tourist offers Tar
Gastronomy Tar
Health Tourism Tar
Active Tourism Tar
Culture Tourism Tar
Nightlife Tar
Transfers Tar
Events and entertainment Tar
Excursions Tar
Tar - Hotely, apartmány, súkromné ubytovanie, izby