Turistická osada Ostrov Vis
Turistické stredisko je obec, v ktorej majú hostia k dispozícii ubytovanie so stravou, stravovanie a ďalšie služby. V turistickom stredisku má hosť možnosť prevádzkovania športu a iných foriem rekreácie na otvorených priestranstvách, ktoré sú prispôsobené špecifickým podmienkam destinácie. Ostrov Vis Turistické stredisko pozostáva z: recepcie, stravovania, športových a iných zariadení na rekreáciu, rôznych typov jednotiek. Ubytovacie jednotky v turistickom stredisku môžu byť: izby, rodinné izby, apartmány, apartmány, štúdiá ... Turistické strediská v
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Turistické stredisko je obec, v ktorej majú hostia k dispozícii ubytovanie so stravou, stravovanie a ďalšie služby. V turistickom stredisku má hosť možnosť prevádzkovania športu a iných foriem rekreácie na otvorených priestranstvách, ktoré sú prispôsobené špecifickým podmienkam destinácie. Ostrov Vis Turistické stredisko pozostáva z: recepcie, stravovania, športových a iných zariadení na rekreáciu, rôznych typov jednotiek. Ubytovacie jednotky v turistickom stredisku môžu byť: izby, rodinné izby, apartmány, apartmány, štúdiá ... Turistické strediská v Ostrov Vis majú početné stravovacie zariadenia, reštaurácie, špecializované obchody, obchody so suvenírmi, kadernícke a kozmetické salóny a športové zariadenia (tenis, futbal, hádzaná, volejbal, vodné športy, stolný tenis, minigolf, basketbal atď.). Turistické strediská sú ideálne pre športové aktivity, potápanie, cyklistiku alebo plachtenie, užívanie si aquaparkov alebo účasť na niektorej zo zábavných aktivít animačného programu. Najväčšia pozornosť stredísk je venovaná rodinám a deťom. Takže turistické strediská v Ostrov Vis majú miniklub, ihrisko a deti sa môžu tešiť na nápadité animačné programy. Ak chcete stráviť perfektnú dovolenku, výber ubytovania v turistickom rezorte je tou správnou voľbou. Ponúkame veľký výber turistických stredísk. Vyberte si ubytovanie, zarezervujte si turistické stredisko a prežite bezstarostnú dovolenku v krásnom prostredí Ostrov Vis.
Vis is the most prominent island on the Adriatic Sea. There are approximately 13 towns on the island, the largest of which are the city of Vis, Komiza, Okljucna, Podhumije, Stoncica and Podstrazje. The highest point on the island overlooks lush valleys covered in red soil and, in some parts, sand dunes where vineyards are cultivated. The world organisation for protecting the environment declared the island of Vis to be one of the 10 most well-preserved islands on the Mediterranean due to its untouched nature and many inlets. The island is also a great nautical destination because of its access to the open sea as well as its many beautiful inlets.
Many of the island's inhabitants have situated their restaurants and taverns along the shore so visitors who arrive by yacht or boat have easy access to delicious Dalmatian cuisine. Accommodations on Vis vary from apartments and rooms to Robinson tourism which means residing in quiet secluded coves for those who would like a little privacy.
The island of Vis has been inhabited since the Neolithic era. Sirakuski the oppressor of Dionizije Stariji, in the 4 century B.C., established the colony of Issa which later became an independent polis making its own money and establishing colonies. In the Middle Ages the island changed rulers and for a long time to come Vis was under Venetian rule.
Due to the fear of being attacked by pirates towns were built within the island's interior: the main town being Velo Selo. As time passed, towns began the develop along the shoreline - Komiza and the St. Jurja harbour, today's Vis.
The city and harbour of Vis is located deep within the Vis inlet on the north-eastern coast of the island. Nearby are the sandy and pebbled beaches of Parja, Rogacic, Mala and Velika Svitnja. Ancient Issa was built on terraces within the Gradina region and surrounded by fortress walls whose remains have been partially preserved to this day. The city of Vis originated as a result of two smaller towns, Luka in the west and Kuta in the east, emerging into one. Some of the island's older preserved buildings date back to the 16th and 17th -centuries. Amongst these buildings are the renaissance palace of Gariboldi, the summer home of the Croatian poet Marin Gazarovic, a house called Jaksa and the Dojmi-Delupis house with its collection of ancient archaeological artefacts. The city of Vis is the island's most popular tourist destination and offers a variety of accommodations such as apartments, rooms, Bed & Breakfasts as well as Robinson tourism (accommodations in secluded inlets).
The small city and harbour of Komiza is located on the western side of Vis, deep in the Komiza inlet and at the base of the mountain of Hum. Its inhabitants mainly make their living off of fishing, wine-growing and tourism. Found on the eastern shoreline of the Komiza inlet are the beautiful pebbled beaches of Gusarica, Nova Posta and Velo Zalo where visitors can enjoy some fun in the sun. Komiza also offers a little history with its monastery with its church and church tower.
Just southwest of Vis is the island of Bisevo. Bisevo is known for its many caves such as the well-known Modra cave, Zelena and Medvidina caves. The Modra (Blue) cave is located within the Balun inlet and during the daytime, around noon, sunrays penetrate through the underwater opening into the Modra cave and reflect off of its white floor making the cave appear blue and the objects in the water to appear silver. Access to the Modra cave has been made possible since 1884 and the only way to get there is by boat. Visitors can take part in organised daily excursions to the island of Bisevo leaving from Komiza and Vis as well as from other islands. These excursions include a visit to the Modra cave and then swimming in one of the island's many inlets.
The island of Vis is surrounded by a few more uninhabited islands such as Jabuka, Svetac and Palagruza. Some of these islands have only a lighthouse and some are used for grazing sheep as well as fishing.