
Istocna Makedonija

In the part of Eastern Macedonia, bigger cities are: Kumanovo, Strumica, Stip, Kocani, Berovo… Being the most populated one, Kumanovo steps out of the rest, but surely not the only one that needs a visit. Strumica, the most famous one, with its carnival traditions and Berovo with the Berovo Lake.
On east there is the Bulgarian border. The main ethnicity here is Macedonian and some Turks and Vlahs. High and wide mountains cover the terrain here. The greatest part of the agricultural production in the country comes from here.



Strumica se nalazi u jugoistočnoj regiji Makedonije. Sa oko 100 000 stanovnika, Strumica je jedno od najvažnijih kulturnih i ekonomskih centra u Makedoniji. Ime je dobila po čistom zvjezdanom nebu iznad nizine Strumice koje se u staro doba nazivala Astraion (Gr...

Istocna Makedonija - Hoteli, apartmaji, turistična naselja, počitniške hiše