
Počitniške hiže Pazin


Luxury villas, villas with swimming pool will provide you with a memorable vacation. Depending on your preference, you can find a range of luxury villas, holiday homes with swimming pool Pazin on the coast or in the interior, to rest in silence and tranquility of pristine nature. Luxury villas can accommodate larger families or groups of friends, and allow holidays and excellent accommodation in the beautiful Pazin. Any luxury villa or holiday home with a swimming pool you choose will provide you with unforgettable moments in the arms of luxury and comfort. Each individual villa has its own fascinating story that each person experiences in a special way. Character individual villas and specialty which is reflected in the quality and all additional services make luxury villas irresistible and charming for each guest. Indulge in finding your ideal accommodation, browse our offer of luxury villas, houses with swimming pool Pazin. Holiday house by the sea or a luxury villa with swimming pool in the interior will give you the beauty and the pleasures of the simple life. Beautiful scenery, comfortable environment, luxury accommodation and let them be your choice for a holiday destination Pazin.

Pazin leži v geografskem središču Istre in je sedež Istrske županije. Pomembne dejavnosti so lovski turizem, izletniški turizem in tranzitni turizem, te kmečki turizem. Med naravnimi zanimivostmi je v ospredju Pazinska jama, kamor izginja rečica Pazinčica, ki je izjemen hifrografski in geomorfolški spomenik istrskega krasa. Dno brezna je okrog 130 m globoko pod navpičnimi stenami, prvo stezo do tja pa so speljali 1877. Stari del Pazina - Kaštel - se je razvil ob kastelu, ki so ga postavili v 9. stol. na skali, 130 m nad breznom. Kastel je prvič omenjen 983 v listini cesarja Otona II. kot Castrum Pisinum v lasti poreške škofije. Je eden najbolje ohranjenih gradov v Istri. Z grbov, vzidah v fasado, je razvidno, da je imela pazinska grofija, ustanovljena v 12. stol. več gospodarjev. V jedru starega Pazina je tudi cerkev sv. Nikole, omenjena že 1266, dokončana 1441. Na zidovih in stropu so ohranjene freske neznanega slikarja iz 15. st. Frančiškanski samostan so postavili 1463 - 77; na glavnem oltarju je poliptih Girolama da Santacroce iz 1536.


Počitniške hiže Pazin - Luksuzne vile z bazenom