
Turistična naselja Baška Voda


Tourist resort is a settlement in which guests are provided accommodation with meals, catering and other services. In the tourist resort guest has the possibility of practicing sport and other forms of recreation in open spaces, which are adapted to the specific conditions of destination Baška Voda. Tourist resort consists of: reception, catering, sports and other facilities for recreation, different types of units. Accommodation units in the tourist resort can be: rooms, family rooms, suites, apartments, studios ... Tourist resorts in Baška Voda have numerous catering facilities, restaurants, specialized shops, souvenir shops, hair and beauty salons and sports facilities (tennis, football, handball, volleyball, water sports, table tennis, miniature golf, basketball, etc.). Tourist resorts are ideal for sports activities, diving, cycling or sailing, enjoying the aqua parks or participating in some of the fun activities of the animation program. Resorts greatest attention turn to families and children. So tourist resorts in Baška Voda have a mini club, playground, and children can enjoy the imaginative animation programs. If you want to spend a perfect vacation, choosing accommodation in the tourist resort is the perfect choice. We offer a large selection of tourist resorts. Choose your accommodation, book a tourist resort and spend carefree holiday in the beautiful Baška Voda.

Baška Voda je sodobno turistično središče s pristaniščem v Makarskem primorju pod gorskim hrbatom Biokovo. Biokovo je gorski hrbet v osrednjem delu dalmatinske obale, dolg 36 km in širok do 9,5 km. Prebivalci se le še redko ukvarjajo s poljedelstvom in ribištvom, kjer je glavna gospodarska panoga postal turizem. V zadnjih letih pa so Baško Vodo v skladu z neokrnjeno naravo, izvirno dalmatinsko arhitekturo ter tradicijo današnjega življenja spremenili v privlačno turistično središče na hrvaškoj obali. Gozdata okolica, dolge prodnate plaže, čisto morje in kakovostna hotelsko-gostinska ponudba pospešujejo turistični razvoj, ki se je v polnem zamahu začel po drugi svetovni vojni. Za dolgim valobranom se dobro zavarovana marina in ima 200 privezov. Bolj intenziven razvoj turizma v Baškoj vodi se je začel z izgradnjo Jadranske turistične ceste 1968 leta. Gradijo se udobni hoteli, raste veliki kamp in vedno je več privatnih hiš z apartmajima in sobah, ki so poglavitno namenjene turizmu.
Na vzpetini Gradina so sledovi naselja in poznoantične bizantinske trdnjave. Župnijska cerkev sv. Nikole je z začetka 20. stoletja.


Apartmajsko naselje Baška Voda