
Turistična naselja Rijeka


Tourist resort is a settlement in which guests are provided accommodation with meals, catering and other services. In the tourist resort guest has the possibility of practicing sport and other forms of recreation in open spaces, which are adapted to the specific conditions of destination Rijeka. Tourist resort consists of: reception, catering, sports and other facilities for recreation, different types of units. Accommodation units in the tourist resort can be: rooms, family rooms, suites, apartments, studios ... Tourist resorts in Rijeka have numerous catering facilities, restaurants, specialized shops, souvenir shops, hair and beauty salons and sports facilities (tennis, football, handball, volleyball, water sports, table tennis, miniature golf, basketball, etc.). Tourist resorts are ideal for sports activities, diving, cycling or sailing, enjoying the aqua parks or participating in some of the fun activities of the animation program. Resorts greatest attention turn to families and children. So tourist resorts in Rijeka have a mini club, playground, and children can enjoy the imaginative animation programs. If you want to spend a perfect vacation, choosing accommodation in the tourist resort is the perfect choice. We offer a large selection of tourist resorts. Choose your accommodation, book a tourist resort and spend carefree holiday in the beautiful Rijeka.

Velika in razvejana luka na reki Rječini, s predmestima ki se šire obližnjim brežuljcima, to je obraz sodobne in industrijske Rijeke, katera čuva duh zgodovine v svojim gotičnim in baročnim zgradbama.
Rijeka je tretje mesto po velikosti v Hrvaški in največje pristanišče, izobraževalno središče, mesto bogate in burne kulturne preteklosti, pomorske tradicije in turistično prometno središče. Rijeka se vse več obrača turizmu, pa se vse več odperajo nočni lokali, disco klubvi, caffe barovi. Gostima se ob kvalitetni nastanitvi, trgovinah, gledališčnem življenje, zabavi, nude renomirane manifestacije: Biennale mladih, mednarodna izložba mladih umetnikov – slikarji, kiparji, alternativci, Rečko poletje, glasbene, dramske priredbe v starem mestu, Velika Gospa – Trsat, Zajčevi dnevi, Rečki karneval….
Obrobljena veličanstvenim palačama, Riva je glavno rečko sprehajališče. Proti morju se odpera v času velikega procveta mesta med 1870. In 1914 leta. Korzo, peščeva cona predstavlja srce Reke.
Rečko področje turistično je najrazvijeno v Hrvaški, s tradicijo od sredine XIX.st. pa do danes, zaradi zelo naglašene industrijske funkcije, Reka nima razvijen počitniški turizem, ona je važno poslovno središče, razvila je poslovni turizem in kongresni turizem.
Doda se temu Trsat kot sredšče marijanskega kulta v tem delu Hrvaške. Rijeka je središče tudi verskega turizma. Gotovo je spojena s Opatijom – najstarejšim in najrenomiranim turističnim središčem v Hrvaški.
Kastav je smješten na vrhu brijega 11 km zapadno od Rijeke sa kojeg se pruža pogled na cijeli zaljev, prekrasne plaže i istarska ribarska sela. Stari dio Kastva se sastoji od krivudavih uličica, lože iz 1571. god., trga Lokvina s baroknom crkvom sv. Helene i nekoliko maslina daju Kastvu poseban starinski šarm.


Apartmajsko naselje Rijeka