Čluny Národní Park Krka Najděte skvělou destinaci pro vaši dovolenou

Čluny Národní Park Krka

Pokud hledáte pronájem lodí nebo jachet, zde najdete nabídku různých modelů a velikostí lodí: denní lodě, kajutové lodě, luxusní jachty, hausbót, plovoucí dům.. Národní Park Krka Pro nezapomenutelnou dovolenou objevujte krásy moře... Pronajměte si člun, motorový člun, různé druhy člunů, otevřený člun, motorový člun nebo jachtu a zažijete nezapomenutelnou dovolenou na jachtě. Skvělé řešení pro váš pronájem lodí: pronájem jachet, pronájem plachetnic, pronájem mo...
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Pokud hledáte pronájem lodí nebo jachet, zde najdete nabídku různých modelů a velikostí lodí: denní lodě, kajutové lodě, luxusní jachty, hausbót, plovoucí dům.. Národní Park Krka Pro nezapomenutelnou dovolenou objevujte krásy moře... Pronajměte si člun, motorový člun, různé druhy člunů, otevřený člun, motorový člun nebo jachtu a zažijete nezapomenutelnou dovolenou na jachtě. Skvělé řešení pro váš pronájem lodí: pronájem jachet, pronájem plachetnic, pronájem motorových člunů, pronájem superjachet.. Národní Park Krka. Soukromé pronájmy lodí a půjčovny lodí typu peer-to-peer. Národní Park Krka. Pronajměte si svou vysněnou loď nebo si pronajměte krásnou jachtu, s kapitánem nebo bez něj. Vyberte si správně! Národní Park Krka.

Krka was declared a national park in 1985. The river Krka is a rocky phenomenon which, as it flows towards the sea, forms a number of lakes, waterfalls and rapids.
The National Park Krka spreads over a surface of 142 km2 and 25.6 km2 of the park is covered in water. The River Krka is the result of larger streams joining together near Knin making one large flowing river.
Krka is enriched with smaller and larger waterfalls. Twenty kilometres downstream from Knin is a 20m high waterfall called Bilusic, then Brljan 15m high, Manojlovac 52m, and Roski 25m. On the island Visovac is the Visovac Lake which is located in between two of the Park's most beautiful waterfalls - Roski and Skradinski buk - where a Franciscan monastery with its valuable library is situated. Skradinski buk are picturesque waterfalls on the River Krka and they cascade over 17 rocky barriers - the highest being 45m. Within the National Park Krka is also the Krka monastery, the mediaeval strongholds of Trosenj and Necven as well as the picturesque ancient town of Skradin.
Within the River Krka around 18 species of fish dwell, 10 of which are endemic. The vast number of birds in the National Park Krka makes one of the most ornithologically valuable regions in Europe.
Visitors can take a swim in the River Krka as well as rent a motorboat and take a ride up-river to the Roski waterfall, through the canyon channels where some of the canyons are up to 200m high, and to Lake Visovac with its little island.
Guests can find accommodations such as apartments, rooms and pansions in the surrounding towns of Skradin, Knin and Primosten.
The smaller towns of Kistanje, Vrbnik, Puljane, Citluk, and Mratovo are all located quite near the National Park of Krka where guests can also find accommodations as well as a restaurant or two.
The cities of Sibenik and Vodice are located around 30km away from the National Park of Krka.
Hotels are located in the vicinity of the National Park of Krka and offer services such as tennis terrains, restaurants, taverns and cafe bars. Hunting and fishing are both strictly forbidden inside the park, but that is why the area surrounding the park is perfect for enjoying these activities. Rural tourism offers accommodations in apartments or pansions and some offer meals.


Čluny Národní Park Krka - Čluny