
Turistické středisko Makarska


Turistické středisko je osada, ve které je hostům poskytováno ubytování se stravováním, stravováním a dalšími službami. V turistickém středisku má host možnost provozování sportu a jiných forem rekreace na otevřených prostranstvích, která jsou přizpůsobena konkrétním podmínkám destinace. Makarska. Turistické středisko se skládá z: recepce, stravování, sportovních a jiných zařízení pro rekreaci, různé typy jednotek. Ubytovací jednotky v turistickém středisku mohou být: pokoje, rodinné pokoje, apartmány, apartmány, studia ... Turistická střediska v Makarska mají četná stravovací zařízení, restaurace, specializované obchody, obchody se suvenýry, kadeřnické a kosmetické salony a sportovní zařízení (tenis, fotbal, házená, volejbal, vodní sporty, stolní tenis, minigolf, basketbal atd.). Turistická střediska jsou ideální pro sportovní aktivity, potápění, jízdu na kole nebo plachtění, užívání si aquaparků nebo účast na některé ze zábavných aktivit animačního programu. Největší pozornost středisek je věnována rodinám a dětem. Takže turistická letoviska v Makarska mají miniklub, hřiště a děti se mohou těšit na nápadité animační programy. Pokud chcete strávit perfektní dovolenou, výběr ubytování v turistickém letovisku je perfektní volbou. Nabízíme velký výběr turistických středisek. Vyberte si ubytování, zarezervujte si turistické letovisko a prožijte bezstarostnou dovolenou v krásném Makarska.

Makarska, ancient Makar, is a lovely destination located just south of the beautiful Natural Park Biokovo and enchanting mountains. It is a popular holiday spot for mountain climbers, hikers and all searching for adventure. In 1981 Biokovo was proclaimed a Natural Park and consists of three types of landscape. At its base Biokovo is covered with lush fields above which are bare rocky surfaces which higher transform into plateaus full of sink-holes amongst which are some of the deepest in Croatia. This Park is home to a whole world of unique healing and aroma-therapeutic plants and draws thousands of hikers and mountain climbers yearly. Hikers, Para gliders and cliff jumpers have all found their private heaven in the off-season.
Makarska is the main port and tourist centre of the Makarska Riviera. Makarska lies in a spacious cove which is closed off by Cape Osejava on the East, and by the Peninsula of Saint Peter from the southwest side. Most of Makarska's residents keep themselves busy by tending to their vineyards, olive groves and fig trees, making wine and olive oil as well as fishing and tourism. Makarska’s developed coastline is made up of an old Mediterranean style town as well as a more modern region made up of hotels, restaurants, campsites, apartments and villas. A park and pine forest lines a 1500m long beach in the Donja harbour and there are a number of sandy coves.
On the coast sits the baroque church of St. Filipa Nerija as well as a building which is a former Philippine monastery. Located in the basement of this monastery is a Malakologian museum which is home to a collection of around 10,000 seashells. In the town square visitors can visit the baroque church of St. Marko, see a beautiful baroque fountain as well as one of the most beautiful baroque buildings in Makarska, the Ivanisevic palace.
The entire Makarska Riviera, around 100 kilometres long, is a region which is quite developed in summer and winter tourism and offers a number of sports and recreational activities both in the water and on land. After being restored due to an earthquake in 1962, Makarska is becoming one of the most well known tourist destinations on Croatia’s Adriatic Sea.
Tucepi, Podgora, Zivogosce, Igrane, Brela, and Baska Voda are just a few of the larger towns located on the Makarska Riviera and are very close to the town of Makarska as well as great places for a holiday. Here guests can find a variety of accommodations such as private accommodations, apartments, hotels, villas and campsites. The town of Tucepi is 3km away from Makarska and all of its apartments are located by the sea. The town of Podgora is 7km southeast of Makarska and it is known for its freshwater springs and the saltwater spring called Klokun which has healing elements.


Komplexy, resorty Makarska