
Hostel Kotor

Hostels, low-cost accommodation for unforgettable moments of socializing and entertainment. Hostels provide vacation accommodation for groups of friends, school groups, and sports groups. Kotor But also young people who travel alone and are eager to meet other people from all over the world. With a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere and very reasonable prices, accommodation in hostels is ideal for people with an open character. In hostels, you mostly share rooms with other people, while some hostels also offer the option of private rooms. Kotor. Hostel services are often used by people traveling or people who need a place to stay for just one night. Hostels offer affordable accommodation where you will enjoy socializing with young people from all over the world. Kotor. Find the ideal hostel for your vacation, and choose the optimal offer that meets your requirements and wishes. Kotor.

On these pages we shall give you information about Kotor, but its charms are yours to discover! At the foot of Mt Lovcen, deep inside one of the most beautiful bays on the Mediterranean, and even the world, lies Kotor, a town of rich cultural tradition and one of best preserved mediaeval settlements in this part of the Mediterranean. Two thousand years of turbulent but glorious history left traces in every stone in its buildings, towers, castles and walls, on paintings, wall-paintings and in sayings written in stones or on paper, on its gates or its narrow streets.

There is this strong feeling in the air of the need for these people to carry on with the centuries-old tradition of this town to welcome and entertain visitors, but also to enchant them with the power of its perplexing narrow streets, squares, old buildings, churches, town walls, and gates. At numerous places which provide an appropriate setting, throughout the whole year, especially in summer, interesting cultural and art programs are organised.

On these pages we intend to inform you of all the necessary information about Kotor. However, its charming beauty waits for you to experience it yourself.


Hostel Kotor - Hostel