Tourist resorts Macedonia Find great destination for your vacation...

Tourist resorts Macedonia

Tourist resort is a settlement in which guests are provided accommodation with meals, catering and other services. In the tourist resort guest has the possibility of practicing sport and other forms of recreation in open spaces, which are adapted to the specific conditions of destination Macedonia Tourist resort consists of: reception, catering, sports and other facilities for recreation, different types of units. Accommodation units in the tourist resort can be: rooms, family rooms, suites, apartments, studios ... Tourist resorts in Macedonia have numerous catering facilities, restaurants, specialized shops, souvenir shops, hair and beauty salons and sports facilities (tennis, football, handball, volleyball, water sports, table tennis, miniature golf, basketball, etc.). Tourist resorts are ideal for sports activities, diving, cycling or sailing, enjoying the aqua parks or participating in some of the fun activities of the animation program. Resorts greatest attention turn to families and children. So tourist resorts in Macedonia have a mini club, playground, and children can enjoy the imaginative animation programs. If you want to spend a perfect vacation, choosing accommodation in the tourist resort is the perfect choice. We offer a large selection of tourist resorts. Choose your accommodation, book a tourist resort and spend carefree holiday in the beautiful Macedonia.

Macedonia, with its strategic position, is situated in SouthEastern Europe and the centar of the Balcan. 25.713 km2 and population of 2.015.000 inhabitants. Macedonia is divided up into regions which are Central Macedonia, Eastern Macedonia, West Macedonia. The capital city is Skopje. Lots of forests, lakes and agricultural fields. Longest river is Vardar, with 388 km. long, where as 301 km. are in Macedonia. Lakes are also national beauty of the country. In summer, Ohrid lake, Prespa lake and Dojran lake atract a huge number of visitors. Not only in summer, but this little country will make your winter stay a wonderful experience. Pelister, Sar Planina, Mavrovo and Bistra will be places You should be looking for in winter. Highly ranked hotels, ski tracks and more, would be a real chalenge for every ski enthusiast.
Macedonia is a treasury of cultural wealth. The Slavonic alphabet was born in Macedonia, where the Macedonian educators Cyril and Methody, and Clement and Naum played an important part in the spread of Christianity. Macedonian builders and mosaic masters shone like a bright star in the dark period of European culture prior to the Renaissance.


Holiday resorts Macedonia