Аренда катеров Славонский Брод Найдите отличное место для отпуска

Аренда катеров Славонский Брод

Если вы ищете аренду лодки или чартер яхт, здесь вы можете найти предложения различных моделей и размеров лодок: дневные лодки, лодки с каютами, роскошные яхты, плавучий дом, плавучий дом.. Славонский Брод Для незабываемого отдыха откройте для себя красоту моря... Арендуйте лодку, скоростной катер, различные виды лодок, открытую лодку, моторные лодки или яхты, и вы проведете незабываемый отпуск под парусом. Отличное решение для аренды вашей лодки: аренда яхт, аренда парусных лодок, аренда моторных лодок, аренда суперяхт.. Славонский Брод. Частные чартеры лодок и одноранговая аренда лодок. Славонский Брод. Арендуйте лодку своей мечты или арендуйте красивую яхту с капитаном или без него. Сделайте правильный выбор! Славонский Брод.

The city of Slavonski Brod is located in Slavonia and is in the centre of the Brodska-posavska county. Slavonski Brod was developed at the foot of Dilja, a place where the hills meet the river Sava. In this area, the river Sava is quite narrow and shallow making it an easy place to cross. Sailing the river Sava dates back to Roman times.
Within Slavonski Brod there are visible remains which represent the city's history as well as the many cultures which once inhabited these parts. Situated next to the river Sava, the city has a great cultural heritage: an important fortress, a military and spiritual centre (a Franciscan monastery and library).
Slavonski Brod's economy is based on industries such as agriculture, wine-growing, fruit-growing, the metal industry (locomotives, railroad cars, and bridges), the wood industry (furniture, parquet), textiles, leather, beer, building materials (lime), and the printing industry.
Many tourist attractions surround Slavonski Brod. One of them is Lake Petnja which is located at the foot of the city. This region started to develop its tourism in hunting and fishing. The Jelas field is a hunting ground rich in wild game including deer, pheasants, wild duck, wild boar, and quail. Sport fishing is a popular activity for those who enjoy visiting Slavonski Brod and its outskirts due to the large amount of fish as well as organised excursions along the river Sava.


Аренда катеров Славонский Брод - Аренда катеров