Hotely Trogir
Hotely v závislosti od želaní a potrieb hostí poskytujú hosťom služby ubytovania a stravy, zábavy a vybavenia. Hotely ponúkajú kvalitný a pestrý výber ubytovania. Veľké hotely, rodinné hotely, all inclusive hotely, luxusné hotely, historické hotely, romantické hotely, wellness hotely, last minute hotely. Ponuka hotela v Trogir umožňuje každému hosťovi ubytovanie pre pohodlnú a bezstarostnú dovolenku. Premýšľate o oddychovej dovolenke s rodinou, partnerom alebo aktívnej dovolenke s priateľmi? Bez ohľadu na to, kde sa rozhodnete stráviť dovolenku, či uvažujete o letnej a zimnej dovolenke...
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Hotely v závislosti od želaní a potrieb hostí poskytujú hosťom služby ubytovania a stravy, zábavy a vybavenia. Hotely ponúkajú kvalitný a pestrý výber ubytovania. Veľké hotely, rodinné hotely, all inclusive hotely, luxusné hotely, historické hotely, romantické hotely, wellness hotely, last minute hotely. Ponuka hotela v Trogir umožňuje každému hosťovi ubytovanie pre pohodlnú a bezstarostnú dovolenku. Premýšľate o oddychovej dovolenke s rodinou, partnerom alebo aktívnej dovolenke s priateľmi? Bez ohľadu na to, kde sa rozhodnete stráviť dovolenku, či uvažujete o letnej a zimnej dovolenke alebo o krátkej víkendovej dovolenke. Hľadáte hotel priamo na pláži s krásnym výhľadom na more, hotel s lyžiarskym strediskom alebo hľadáte hotelové ubytovanie pre relaxačnú dovolenku v odľahlej nedotknutej prírode .. Vyberte si destináciu Trogir a hotel podľa vášho vkusu. Ak hľadáte luxusný hotel, ponúkame vám ubytovanie v hoteli, vďaka ktorému bude váš pobyt nezabudnuteľný. Luxusný hotel spája komfort hotela s individuálnym prístupom ku každému hosťovi. Izby a suity sú plne vybavené a vkusne zariadené. Ubytovanie v luxusnom hoteli vám umožní vychutnať si luxus, wellness zariadenia pre skutočné potešenie. Ak hľadáte lacný hotel alebo last minute ponuku pre destináciu Trogir hotely v našej ponuke splnia vaše očakávania a urobia vašu dovolenku príjemnou a zaujímavou.
Trogir is known as the museum city and this can be seen just by taking a walk through its historical streets. Trogir is a coastal city as well as a harbour and it is located at the foot of the Kastel inlet, 27km northwest of Split. This city lies on a small island in between the island of Ciovo and the mainland and is connected to the two by bridges.
The old city centre was declared a protected historical monument under the patronage of UNESCO. Construction of the city began in the XIII century and was completed in the XV century. The Venetians then renovated the city in the XV century and built another two fortifications which were preserved to this day. They are the castle of Kamerlengo and the tower of St. Marco. The older eastern section of the city developed around the main city square where the cathedral of St. Lovro lies. The cathedral of St. Lovro is one of the most important buildings in Croatia. A very significant characteristic of the cathedral of St. Lovro is the Romanesque sculpture Radovan's portal which was completed in the year 1240. Throughout the past Trogir was one of the main cultural centres in Dalmatia where masters such as Radovan resided in the XIII century and well known sculptures, architects, historians and humanitarians in the XV century.
Trogir's patron is the sainted Ivan Ursini whose statue stands in the main city entrance. The city square is home to the city lodge, the clock tower, the once renaissance church of St. Sebastian and it is closed off by the Cipiko palace.
Trogir, with its cultural-historical monuments and beautiful Mediterranean landscape, is a wonderful holiday destination where visitors can have some fun in the sun as well as enjoy a bit of culture.
The region that stretches from the Marina and Seget to the island of Ciova has always been the location of elite villas and summer homes which were transformed into private accommodations. The Trogir Riviera also offers a wide range of accommodations such as lovely hotels, campsites, and accommodations in private homes, apartments, rooms as well as bed & breakfasts.
Even though tourism in Trogir has escalated, the city has been preserved for those who have walked through it and for those who will visit in the future.
Gastronomically, Trogir offers a wide range of taverns and restaurants where guests can get a taste of wonderful and authentic Dalmatian cuisine. Just outside of the city guests can enjoy some sand and sun on one of the many sandy beaches, especially around Seget and within the Saldun cove.