Pansion & Restaurant Kaštel


Kaštelir 28, Kaštelir Hrvaška

Telefon +385 52 816 122 Gsm +385 98 324 633 Fax +385 52 816 088 Povpraševanje

Nastanitve 13.03.2025 – 14.03.2025


Pansion and Restaurant Kaštel is located in a quiet part of the western Istra in a little picturesque village Kaštelir, 12 km far away from Poreč and the sea.

It's an autochthonic Istrian house, built in a characteristic Mediterranean stile where stone and wood are the main materials of the construction. The house is located in the centre of the place in the vicinity of the church. The building was renovated but the originally stone walls and wooden beams from the 18th century were kept so the stay in Pansion Kastel really becomes a stay under a 100 year old roof.

There is also a typical restaurant with stone walls, wooden furniture and open chimney. The restaurants offer chosen meals of the Istrian specialties made of the seasonal vegetables and fruits, which cooking demands a master chief hand to prepare it and allows the guest to truly enjoy in it's taste accompanied with a nice glass of a palette of fine vine. There is also a possibility of organizing weddings, banquettes, celebrations, business meetings and presentations.


  • Dodatna ponudba:
  • Internet


  • Oddaljenost in plaža:
  • Letališče 60km
  • Autobusna stanica 20m
  • Benzinska postaja 6km
  • Lekarna 7km
  • Ordinacija 7km
  • Muzej 13km
  • Bazen 7km
  • Disco club 13km
  • Restavracija m
  • Banka 20m
  • Market 200m
  • Center 13km
  • Galerija 13km
  • Oddaljenost od plaže:
  • Plaža 11km
  • Marina 13km
  • Luka 13km
  • Sportski centar 11km
  • Šljunčana plaža 11km
  • Stjenovita plaža 11km
  • Betonska plaža 11km


Check in From 12:00
Check out To 10:00


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