Čluny Delnice Najděte skvělou destinaci pro vaši dovolenou

Čluny Delnice

Pokud hledáte pronájem lodí nebo jachet, zde najdete nabídku různých modelů a velikostí lodí: denní lodě, kajutové lodě, luxusní jachty, hausbót, plovoucí dům.. Delnice Pro nezapomenutelnou dovolenou objevujte krásy moře... Pronajměte si člun, motorový člun, různé druhy člunů, otevřený člun, motorový člun nebo jachtu a zažijete nezapomenutelnou dovolenou na jachtě. Skvělé řešení pro váš pronájem lodí: pronájem jachet, pronájem plachetnic, pronájem mo...
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Pokud hledáte pronájem lodí nebo jachet, zde najdete nabídku různých modelů a velikostí lodí: denní lodě, kajutové lodě, luxusní jachty, hausbót, plovoucí dům.. Delnice Pro nezapomenutelnou dovolenou objevujte krásy moře... Pronajměte si člun, motorový člun, různé druhy člunů, otevřený člun, motorový člun nebo jachtu a zažijete nezapomenutelnou dovolenou na jachtě. Skvělé řešení pro váš pronájem lodí: pronájem jachet, pronájem plachetnic, pronájem motorových člunů, pronájem superjachet.. Delnice. Soukromé pronájmy lodí a půjčovny lodí typu peer-to-peer. Delnice. Pronajměte si svou vysněnou loď nebo si pronajměte krásnou jachtu, s kapitánem nebo bez něj. Vyberte si správně! Delnice.

Delnice is a town located on a higher spot in the whole country - 698 m above sea. The town is surrounded with the hills of Drgomlja, Petehovac  and  Japlenški vrh. The clime and vegetative differences on a very small area offer various tourist offer as well in summer as in the winter months. The area of Delnice includes many protected natural areas that maybe are less known, except of course the national park of Risnjak, but also wonderful and worth of visiting. Here are the wood-park Japlenski vrh, a butterfly valley, a ski centre Petehovac while a variety of vegetative and animal species gives a certain special note to each of these places.

An endless green in spring and summer, marvelous colors in the autumn and a white mantle in the winter make this area attractive for domestic and foreign guests. Dense woods, clear creeks, many caves, barrows and pots are just some of the attractions. Surely a base of the tourist offer is an active tourism along with the ecological consciousness of the local people and their efforts to preserve a originally purity and beauties of this location. This area is ideal for a upper-air training of the sportsman, amateurs, walks and stay in the nature and in winter time for skiers and the lovers of the winter activities. In the valleys of Kupa or Brod You can try a kayak ride, a canoeing as a rafting, sport fishing or just enjoy taking a bath in the clear river.

With a development of the tourism from year to year there are various accommodation offer: hotels, inns, rooms and apartments in private houses. The local gastronomic specialties are offered in local restaurants while you can refresh yourself in one of the bars, cafes and pubs.

An additional advantage of Delnice is its extremely important transit position. Nearby is located the highway Rijeka - Kupjak, the old road Zagreb- Rijeka (that nowadays is called the tourist Lujzijan road) and the transit direction coming from Slovenija: Ljubljana - Kočevje - Delnice. A good connection with the rest of the country and the vicinity of bugger towns, and on the other hand an extremely preserved nature are a frame of a successful development of the tourist offer in Delnice and the whole area around it.


Čluny Delnice - Čluny