Čluny Fazana Najděte skvělou destinaci pro vaši dovolenou

Čluny Fazana

Pokud hledáte pronájem lodí nebo jachet, zde najdete nabídku různých modelů a velikostí lodí: denní lodě, kajutové lodě, luxusní jachty, hausbót, plovoucí dům.. Fazana Pro nezapomenutelnou dovolenou objevujte krásy moře... Pronajměte si člun, motorový člun, různé druhy člunů, otevřený člun, motorový člun nebo jachtu a zažijete nezapomenutelnou dovolenou na jachtě. Skvělé řešení pro váš pronájem lodí: pronájem jachet, pronájem plachetnic, pronájem motorových člunů, pronájem superjachet.. Fazana. Soukromé pronájmy lodí a půjčovny lodí typu peer-to-peer. Fazana. Pronajměte si svou vysněnou loď nebo si pronajměte krásnou jachtu, s kapitánem nebo bez něj. Vyberte si správně! Fazana.

Among the many orchards, vineyards and olive groves lies the small fishing town of Fazana. The town and harbour are protected from the open sea by the islands of Brioni.
Fazana has evolved from being a small fishing village into a wonderful tourist destination known for its beautiful coastline, view of Brioni and atmosphere. This town is located in the south-western part of the Istrian peninsula and is 5km away from the city of Pula. With the growth of tourism in Fazana, visitors can chose from many apartments to stay at and for those who enjoy sleeping under the stars, there is a campsite with all the necessary facilities.
Being a fishing town, restaurants in Fazana are known for their seafood and fish specialties as well as quality wines. During the summer months, many festivities take place in Fazana. There is the Sardine Festival held in July and Fazana Night in August.
Being so close the islands of Brioni, which in turn is a national park, guests can take day trips to the islands. A boat departs from the harbour in Fazana across to the islands.
Beautiful beaches, clear blue sea, Mediterranean climate and lush vegetation, and of course the people make Fazana a wonderful place to be.


Čluny Fazana - Čluny