Čluny Novigrad Najděte skvělou destinaci pro vaši dovolenou

Čluny Novigrad

Pokud hledáte pronájem lodí nebo jachet, zde najdete nabídku různých modelů a velikostí lodí: denní lodě, kajutové lodě, luxusní jachty, hausbót, plovoucí dům.. Novigrad Pro nezapomenutelnou dovolenou objevujte krásy moře... Pronajměte si člun, motorový člun, různé druhy člunů, otevřený člun, motorový člun nebo jachtu a zažijete nezapomenutelnou dovolenou na jachtě. Skvělé řešení pro váš pronájem lodí: pronájem jachet, pronájem plachetnic, pronájem motorových člunů, pronájem superjachet.. Novigrad. Soukromé pronájmy lodí a půjčovny lodí typu peer-to-peer. Novigrad. Pronajměte si svou vysněnou loď nebo si pronajměte krásnou jachtu, s kapitánem nebo bez něj. Vyberte si správně! Novigrad.

Novigrad is a small town located on the western coast of Istria on a small peninsula at the mouth of the river Mirna. Novigrad takes pride in its beauty, rich cultural and historical heritage as well as hospitality.
This small town Novigrad is a relatively young town as it was built in the 18th century. Inside its medieval walls, visitors can explore the narrow streets, old buildings and monuments which are a symbol of Novigrad's cultural and historical heritage.
Novigrad is surrounded by beautiful lush nature and sunny beaches and has developed into a wonderful tourist destination. Visitors can choose to stay in accommodation one of the many hotels, apartments and villas which are located in the old town. Some of the activities which guests can take part in are sports such as tennis and bike riding as well as several water-sports. During the summer months, certain festivities take place. One that should not be missed is the classical concert held in the town church. There is also the festival of St. Pelagija, the patron saint of Novigrad which takes place the last 7 days in August.
Novigrad welcomes you.


Čluny Novigrad - Čluny