In the centre of Lika, on the ledge near the river Novčica is located the town of Gospić. It is the economical, social, cultural and sports centre of the Licko - Senjska region.
The area of Gospic and it's surroundings it's inhabitated since prehistoric time, and as a proof of that there are many archeological findings. Many nations and governors passed trough this town and left a remarkable print on a nowadays development of Gospic. The name of the town was first mentioned in year 1604 and the name came f...
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In the centre of Lika, on the ledge near the river Novčica is located the town of Gospić. It is the economical, social, cultural and sports centre of the Licko - Senjska region.
The area of Gospic and it's surroundings it's inhabitated since prehistoric time, and as a proof of that there are many archeological findings. Many nations and governors passed trough this town and left a remarkable print on a nowadays development of Gospic. The name of the town was first mentioned in year 1604 and the name came from the word "Hospitium", which means hostel, inn.
The area of the town represents an extremely valuable ecological space that today has an exceptional significance. The major value is a non-contaminated ground, which offers the possibility of the production of ecological healthful food. The whole area is an agricultural area.
In the old town is located one of the most famous statues of Gospić, a statue of a girl named Marta, which was placed as a memory of the introduction of an aqueduct. In the surroundings of Gospic are located two wood parks: Jasikovac and hill Vujnovic where is established the oldest tennis club in Croatia.
Thanks to a good position, a developed road and railway net, the town of Gospic starts to develop its touristic offer that today is represented by fishing, hunting, and mountain excursion tourism. In that time every household make its own food while today that's a rarity.
The accommodation it's available in hotels, rooms and apartments in private houses. The development of the touristic sector, despite its long tradition, was hard and obstructed by various historical events. But, beside all the difficulties the town area managed to hold an untouched environment, fresh air, rich flora and fauna world.
Prozkoumejte naši skvělou nabídku ubytování, hotely, apartmány, pokoje, rekreační střediska, turistické středisko, rekreační domy, luxusní vily s bazénem, kempy, mobilní domy, hostely, agroturistika, dovolené na farmě a vyberte si ideální ubytování na vaši dovolenou.
Gospic - Vyhledání a rezervace ubytování je velmi jednoduché. Vyberte si ubytování, které nejlépe vyhovuje vašim přáním.
Pro nezapomenutelný zážitek a vzpomínky, které si budete pamatovat. Pro vaši odpočinkovou dovolenou a speciální zážitek. Prožijte dovolenou s rodinou nebo přáteli.
Gospic - Ubytování v krásné a zajímavé destinaci. Vyberte si destinaci a ubytování pouze podle svého vkusu. Ubytování v naší nabídce splní Vaše očekávání a udělá Vaši dovolenou příjemnou a zajímavou. Rezervujte ubytování a strávit odpočinkovou dovolenou v cílové destinaci.
Hotels in Gospic
Private accommodations in Gospic
Tourist resorts in Gospic
Holiday houses in Gospic
Vily s bazénem Gospic
Kempy, mobilní domy Gospic
Čluny Gospic
Agroturistika Gospic
Hostely Gospic
Tourist offers Gospic
Gastronomy Gospic
Health Tourism Gospic
Active Tourism Gospic
Culture Tourism Gospic
Nightlife Gospic
Transfers Gospic
Events and entertainment Gospic
Excursions Gospic
Gospic - Hotely, apartmány, ubytování v soukromí, pokoje