On the territory of the Riviera of Makarska, is situated the tourist city of Tucepi. The proximity of the town of Makarska on the north-west and the mountain of Biokovo on the south-east gives it an ideal geographic position. The nearby villages, with a traditional littoral architecture, spread all around its slope, full of water springs and on the terrace shaped grounds are located vineyards and olive-trees.
The favourable geographical position caused the population of Tucepi in the antique period. Parts of the furniture of the early roman...
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On the territory of the Riviera of Makarska, is situated the tourist city of Tucepi. The proximity of the town of Makarska on the north-west and the mountain of Biokovo on the south-east gives it an ideal geographic position. The nearby villages, with a traditional littoral architecture, spread all around its slope, full of water springs and on the terrace shaped grounds are located vineyards and olive-trees.
The favourable geographical position caused the population of Tucepi in the antique period. Parts of the furniture of the early roman church from the V - VI century and some medieval grave stones are the older evidence of the inhabitation of Tucepi. Under the name of Tucepi the place is at first mentioned in the 1434. During the transitional time from roman to a gothic stile, near at the end of the XIII century, was built the church of Saint George and in the XVIII century were built the baroque villas of the families Ivanisevic and Lucic - Pavlovic.
Thanks to a beautiful coast and high quality accommodation offer Tucepi became a little paradise on this part of the Adriatic coast. The gravel beaches with the shadows of pine trees or the olive trees are ideal for relaxing and resting.
The offer of the sport contents as a part of the hotel offer and the possibility of renting sport facilities gives plenty of opportunity to sports lovers. For those who like to walking and hiking trips we recommend a trip to Biokovo Mountain. For the yachtsman on disposal are 70 moorages.
The local and international gastronomic specialities are served in nice large restaurants or the intimacy of some picturesque tavern.
Tucepi will offer you unforgettable moments of relax and you will wish to come again...
Prozkoumejte naši skvělou nabídku ubytování, hotely, apartmány, pokoje, rekreační střediska, turistické středisko, rekreační domy, luxusní vily s bazénem, kempy, mobilní domy, hostely, agroturistika, dovolené na farmě a vyberte si ideální ubytování na vaši dovolenou.
Tucepi - Vyhledání a rezervace ubytování je velmi jednoduché. Vyberte si ubytování, které nejlépe vyhovuje vašim přáním.
Pro nezapomenutelný zážitek a vzpomínky, které si budete pamatovat. Pro vaši odpočinkovou dovolenou a speciální zážitek. Prožijte dovolenou s rodinou nebo přáteli.
Tucepi - Ubytování v krásné a zajímavé destinaci. Vyberte si destinaci a ubytování pouze podle svého vkusu. Ubytování v naší nabídce splní Vaše očekávání a udělá Vaši dovolenou příjemnou a zajímavou. Rezervujte ubytování a strávit odpočinkovou dovolenou v cílové destinaci.
Hotels in Tucepi
Private accommodations in Tucepi
Tourist resorts in Tucepi
Holiday houses in Tucepi
Vily s bazénem Tucepi
Kempy, mobilní domy Tucepi
Čluny Tucepi
Agroturistika Tucepi
Hostely Tucepi
Tourist offers Tucepi
Gastronomy Tucepi
Health Tourism Tucepi
Active Tourism Tucepi
Culture Tourism Tucepi
Nightlife Tucepi
Transfers Tucepi
Events and entertainment Tucepi
Excursions Tucepi
Tucepi - Hotely, apartmány, ubytování v soukromí, pokoje