Vily s bazénem Bol Najděte skvělou destinaci pro vaši dovolenou

Vily s bazénem Bol

Vily s bazénem pro odpočinkovou dovolenou a speciální zážitek. Prozkoumejte naši skvělou nabídku vil s bazénem a vyberte si ideální vilu s bazénem pro vaši dovolenou. Bol Vyhledávání a rezervace vil s bazénem je velmi jednoduché. Naše nabídka zahrnuje vily s bazénem, vily u moře nebo vily s bazénem na venkově.
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Vily s bazénem pro odpočinkovou dovolenou a speciální zážitek. Prozkoumejte naši skvělou nabídku vil s bazénem a vyberte si ideální vilu s bazénem pro vaši dovolenou. Bol Vyhledávání a rezervace vil s bazénem je velmi jednoduché. Naše nabídka zahrnuje vily s bazénem, vily u moře nebo vily s bazénem na venkově. Bol. Moderní vily s bazénem, luxusní vily s jacuzzi, saunou, vily s vyhřívaným bazénem, vily s výhledem na moře. Luxusní vila, která nejlépe vyhovuje vašim požadavkům a přáním. Bol. Pro nezapomenutelný zážitek a vzpomínky, které si budete pamatovat. Bol.

On the south coast of one of the most insolated Adriatic island, the island Brac, is situated the city of Bol, one of the most wanted destinations on the Adriatic coast. Bol is the only town on the south coast of Brac, and the oldest town on Brac, which has, except for the amazing natural beauty, a very interesting range of historical monuments (the roman pool, the grave stones, the sarcophagus, churches and monasters of the early cristian period).

On the west and the east part of Bol there are numerous beaches of which the most popular is the one of white garvel -Zlatni rat,which spreads in a thounge shape to the south in the longitude of 634m. Zlatni rat is a paradise for surfers and all those who just love the water sports.

Above Bol there is a  hill Vidova gora, on the altitude of 778 m it's the highest peak of all the Adriatic archipelago, and here are also the mountain board Bolska kruna and the ilirian fort Kostilo.

Bol offers many entertainment contents to its guests, so there is not time for getting bored. The accomodation is available in one of the hotels, apartments or rooms or for those who deeply love the nature in one of the camping.

The wide offer of restaurants, taverns, cellars, bars and caffes gives you the chance to choose in which one You will seat for a while and get back Your energy.

Even if Bol is "lonely" on the south part of the island, it's an ideal place for a vacation filled with sports activities and rich social life, so if you are searching something like this Bol is the right place for You.


Vily s bazénem Bol - Vily s bazénem