Vily s bazénem Petrcane Najděte skvělou destinaci pro vaši dovolenou

Vily s bazénem Petrcane

Vily s bazénem pro odpočinkovou dovolenou a speciální zážitek. Prozkoumejte naši skvělou nabídku vil s bazénem a vyberte si ideální vilu s bazénem pro vaši dovolenou. Petrcane Vyhledávání a rezervace vil s bazénem je velmi jednoduché. Naše nabídka zahrnuje vily s bazénem, vily u moře nebo vily s bazénem na venkově.
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Vily s bazénem pro odpočinkovou dovolenou a speciální zážitek. Prozkoumejte naši skvělou nabídku vil s bazénem a vyberte si ideální vilu s bazénem pro vaši dovolenou. Petrcane Vyhledávání a rezervace vil s bazénem je velmi jednoduché. Naše nabídka zahrnuje vily s bazénem, vily u moře nebo vily s bazénem na venkově. Petrcane. Moderní vily s bazénem, luxusní vily s jacuzzi, saunou, vily s vyhřívaným bazénem, vily s výhledem na moře. Luxusní vila, která nejlépe vyhovuje vašim požadavkům a přáním. Petrcane. Pro nezapomenutelný zážitek a vzpomínky, které si budete pamatovat. Petrcane.

Petrcane is a small tourist town as well as port in the Petrcane inlet, within the Zadar Canal, and 12 km from the city of Zadar. Visitors can enjoy its beautiful 2km long beach, which offers a variety of water sports, as well as make use of the pool filled with seawater. Guests can chose from a variety of accommodations in private residents which offer apartments, rooms and Bed & Breakfasts as well as many campsites. Within Petrcane and in its vicinity there are a variety of restaurants and taverns which can choose from. The town's economy is mainly based on agriculture, fishing and, most recently, tourism.
Petrcane is located in between Zadar and Nin, ancient Croatian cities. Due to its geographical position, Petrcane is the starting point for excursions to the many islands in the Zadar archipelago and to the National Parks of Kornati and Paklenica.
In medieval times Petrcane was home to the Zadarian monasteries of St. Krsevan and Platon. Southeast of Petrcane is the renovated church of St. Bartula with its large bell tower on its forepart and it was built in the 12-13th century.


Vily s bazénem Petrcane - Vily s bazénem