Ferienwohnungen, Zimmer Therme Catez
Ferienwohnungen, Appartements und Zimmer zu vermieten, Privatunterkunft Therme Catez bietet den Gästen zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, passende Unterkunft für Urlaub zu auswählen. Mit Freundlichkeit der Vermieter werden Sie einen unvergesslichen Urlaub in Ferienwohnungen verbringen. Ob Sie eine moderne Ferienwohnung oder ein Appartement direkt am Meer suchen... Wir bieten Ihnen eine große Ausw...
Ferienwohnungen, Appartements und Zimmer zu vermieten, Privatunterkunft Therme Catez bietet den Gästen zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, passende Unterkunft für Urlaub zu auswählen. Mit Freundlichkeit der Vermieter werden Sie einen unvergesslichen Urlaub in Ferienwohnungen verbringen. Ob Sie eine moderne Ferienwohnung oder ein Appartement direkt am Meer suchen... Wir bieten Ihnen eine große Auswahl an Ferienwohnungen, Appartements und Zimmer in Therme Catez. Suche und Buchung der Ferienwohnungen ist sehr einfach. Finden Sie ein Appartement oder ein Zimmer aus unser Angebot in Therme Catez und entscheiden Sie sich für die Unterkunft, die Ihren Anforderungen und Wünschen am besten passt. Wählen Sie Ihre Ferienwohnung und verbringen Sie einen erholsamen Urlaub im Ferienort Therme Catez.
In the south east part of Slovenia, close to the board with Croatia nearby the town of Brezice between the rivers Sava and Krka are situated the Catez thermal spas. Thanks to the mild alpine climate and the modern and various offers the Catez thermal spas became one of the most visited thermal centres in Slovenia.
The annals of the Catez thermal spas date since the 1855, and they testify that they were known since 1802. There is a legend regarding the Catez thermal spas that tells about a dwarf centaur Catez who led the people that treat him nice to healing spring water and made different mischief's to those who made him mad.
Catez thermal spas were known as the warmest one during the Asburg Monarchy, and for its healing properties for body and soul. This fame accompanies the Catez thermal spas even nowadays. With its 11 thermal water sources whos temperature spreads from 42º to 63ºC the Catez thermal spas became one of the largest thermal and wellness centres in Slovenia.
The usage of thermal water in healing, relaxing and recreational purposes resulted in a wide range of wellness programs. Along the whole spectre of wellness programs in offer is also a water recreational park, sport and recreational programs, golf, cycling, fishing, tennis, bowling, squash...
Especially interesting is the winter/summer thermal Riviera with more than 12.000m² on which are available pools with thermal water, water toboggans, whirlpool, fast and slow river flows, waterfalls, pools with waves, underwater massages. The sauna park has 8 different sauna types, and on disposal is also a fitness studio.
Regarding the healing proprieties of the thermal water they are used for prevention and healing of different diseases such as chardio, rheumatic, gynaecological, and postoperative rehabilitation. In the Catez thermal spas are offered different tipes of therapy: balneo, kynesi, termo, electro. Beside many massage programs and mud using in healing and beauty programs there are also many relaxing programs such as watsu, steam baths, thalgo programs and tui-na massages. A special attraction in a healing programs are the healing of bad habits with an acupuncture method and an individual aimed weight loss programs. For sport mans and sport teams there are a possibility of testing their physicist trim, training programs and many sport and recreational programs.
In the evening hours You can reach for fun in the Casino Lido.
In Catez thermal spas you can find the accommodation in the hotels Toplice, Terme and Catez, the touristic village with apartments and in a camp. A particular offers regarding the accommodation offer is the hotel complex inside a renaissance castle of Mokrice, distant from the Catez thermal spas about 7 km, ideal for business tourism.
The Catez thermal spas are ideal for young people and for those who feel that way. A good atmosphere and environment have a positive effect on every guest, no matter which is the purpose of its visit. If You decide to visit the Catez thermal spas You wont regret, and You will for sure get back to have another dose of energy.