Sarajevo is the capital city of Bosnia and Hercegovina as well as the administative, cultural, and educational centre. It has a population of around 300,000 people. The city is located in the field of Sarajevo and is 500m above sea-level. It is also surrounded by the mountains of Trebevic, Igman, Bjelasnica and Jahorina. The river Miljacka runs through the city and then, along with the rivers Zeljeznica, Zujevina, Dobrinja, Vogosca and Misoca, flows into the river of Bosnia. Sarajevo has a long history and tradition in the co-existence of many different...
Sarajevo is the capital city of Bosnia and Hercegovina as well as the administative, cultural, and educational centre. It has a population of around 300,000 people. The city is located in the field of Sarajevo and is 500m above sea-level. It is also surrounded by the mountains of Trebevic, Igman, Bjelasnica and Jahorina. The river Miljacka runs through the city and then, along with the rivers Zeljeznica, Zujevina, Dobrinja, Vogosca and Misoca, flows into the river of Bosnia. Sarajevo has a long history and tradition in the co-existence of many different people, religions and cultures, with many spiritual and cultural objects. Freely, we can call Sarajevo the „Jerusalem“ of Europe. In the heart of the old city, at a distance of 500m, you will find a place of worship for each of the four monotheistic religions; the Gazi-Husrev-begova mosque, the Cathedral, the Orthodox church, and the Jewish synagogue. Sarajevo is a city with a panoramic past which blends with a modern urban lifestyle. Throughout centuries the building and development of the culture of living and creativity make the city what it is today. It is a city of love and youth, tolerance, artistry, sports, olympic peace, a city which incorporates the tastes and needs of every person.
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Villen mit Pool Sarajevo
Camping, Mobilheim Sarajevo
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Bauernhof Sarajevo
Hostel, Jugendherberge Sarajevo
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Veranstaltungen und Unterhaltung Sarajevo
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Sarajevo - Hotels, Ferienwohnungen, Ferienanlagen, Ferienhaus mit Pool