
Turistična naselja Strumica


Tourist resort is a settlement in which guests are provided accommodation with meals, catering and other services. In the tourist resort guest has the possibility of practicing sport and other forms of recreation in open spaces, which are adapted to the specific conditions of destination Strumica. Tourist resort consists of: reception, catering, sports and other facilities for recreation, different types of units. Accommodation units in the tourist resort can be: rooms, family rooms, suites, apartments, studios ... Tourist resorts in Strumica have numerous catering facilities, restaurants, specialized shops, souvenir shops, hair and beauty salons and sports facilities (tennis, football, handball, volleyball, water sports, table tennis, miniature golf, basketball, etc.). Tourist resorts are ideal for sports activities, diving, cycling or sailing, enjoying the aqua parks or participating in some of the fun activities of the animation program. Resorts greatest attention turn to families and children. So tourist resorts in Strumica have a mini club, playground, and children can enjoy the imaginative animation programs. If you want to spend a perfect vacation, choosing accommodation in the tourist resort is the perfect choice. We offer a large selection of tourist resorts. Choose your accommodation, book a tourist resort and spend carefree holiday in the beautiful Strumica.

Strumica se nalazi u jugoistočnoj regiji Makedonije. Sa oko 100 000 stanovnika, Strumica je jedno od najvažnijih kulturnih i ekonomskih centra u Makedoniji.
Ime je dobila po čistom zvjezdanom nebu iznad nizine Strumice koje se u staro doba nazivala Astraion (Grad Zvijezda). Strumica je poznata i po tvrđavi Carskoj kuli koja se nalazi iznad Strumice. U okolici Strumice se uzgaja mak, pamuk, duhan, sezam i anis, rijetke biljke koje se koriste za izradu poznatok Makedonskog viskija - Mastika.
Crkva Sv. Leontiusa iz 11. stoljeća najpoznatiji je povijesna građevina u Strumici. Mještani je nazivaju Vodocha, što znači "vadi oči". Legenda kaže da je je tu 14 000 vojnika oslijepio bizantski car Basil II.
Strumica je također poznata po tradicionalnom karnevalu.


Apartmajsko naselje Strumica