Agroturistika Národní parky Chorvatsko Najděte skvělou destinaci pro vaši dovolenou

Agroturistika Národní parky Chorvatsko

Agroturistika je zvláštní forma cestovního ruchu, která kombinuje přírodní krásy, kulturní dědictví a tradice, zdravé místní jídlo a vynikající víno. Farm stay nabízí velký výběr prázdninových domů, apartmánů a pokojů na venkovských farmách. Národní parky Chorvatsko Venkovská turistika je kombinací čisté přírody, čerstvého vzduchu, poznávání neznámého a vychutnávání zapomenutých chutí místních specialit. Agroturistika je především dovolená v tichu a zeleni s vychutnáváním místních gastronomických specialit. P...
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Agroturistika je zvláštní forma cestovního ruchu, která kombinuje přírodní krásy, kulturní dědictví a tradice, zdravé místní jídlo a vynikající víno. Farm stay nabízí velký výběr prázdninových domů, apartmánů a pokojů na venkovských farmách. Národní parky Chorvatsko Venkovská turistika je kombinací čisté přírody, čerstvého vzduchu, poznávání neznámého a vychutnávání zapomenutých chutí místních specialit. Agroturistika je především dovolená v tichu a zeleni s vychutnáváním místních gastronomických specialit. Poznejte místní zvyky, tradice a jednoduchý způsob života. Agroturistika je skvělý způsob, jak objevit rozmanitou kulturu a uniknout do přírody. Přírodní krásy poskytují také rozmanité možnosti pro aktivní turistiku. Národní parky Chorvatsko. Autentické domy na venkově a agroturistika v přírodě přináší zvláštní zážitek z vesnice a venkovského způsobu života. Pohled z okna venkovského ubytování, bytu nebo pokoje odhaluje krásně upravené zahrady, zeleň a vinice. Cyklostezky nedotčenou přírodou v krásném prostředí, nespočet cest vedoucích různými směry. Olivové cesty, vinné cesty... Národní parky Chorvatsko. Vyberte si ubytování na venkově a dopřejte si klidnou nebo aktivní dovolenou, kterou si zasloužíte. Pocit, na který nezapomenete a vždy se budete rádi vracet. Národní parky Chorvatsko.

A national park is a larger area of phenomenal natural qualities which contains one or more eco-systems completely preserved and/or moderately affected by humans. Only traditional agricultural and tourist-recreational activities are allowed.
Croatia has eight national parks; National Park Brijuni, National Park Kornati, National Park Krka, National Park Plitvice lakes, National Park Mljet, National Park Risnjak, National Park North Velebit and National Park Paklenica. The location of these National Parks clearly outlines the natural diversity of Croatia. Three of these parks are particularly mountainous- Risnjak, Paklenica and North Velebit, three are made up of islands- Kornati, Mljet and Brijuni, the leftover two are a clear example of rich, rocky hydrographs - Plitvice lakes and Krka.
The National Park Risnjak was declared a National Park in 1953. Its character is defined buy the fact that in a small area, within Gorski Kotar, several types of climate intertwine: harsh alpine climate, gentle Adriatic climate, continental characteristics of the Panonian Valley and the mountainous chill of the Dinarida. Risnjak has a meaningful role in health tourism and is especially attractive for excursions due to its mountainous climate, terrains for winter sports, mountain paths, hunting and fishing.
The National Park Paklenica is situated in the backdrop of Stari Grad and has two canyons: Velika and Mala Paklenica. It is a tremendous rocky phenomenon and the steep side of the canyon climbs as high as 400m. Paklenica is a unique area incorporating the mountains and the sea, rich beech-tree and pine-tree forests as well as caves. In the National Park Paklenica grow, from its sea-shore to the highest peak of Velebit, around 800 types of plants. Of this, 40 are endemics.
In 1999 North Velebit was declared a National Park making it the eighth and youngest National Park in Croatia. The impressive parts of North Velebit are Rozanski and Hajducki Kukovi.
The National Park Kornati is made up of 140 islands, islets and cliffs. Due to the tremendous indented ness of its coastline, clear blue sea and sea life, The National Park Kornati is a haven for nautical tourism.
The Island Mljet is one of the greenest Adriatic islands and one third of the island belongs to the National Park Mljet. The Island Mljet was declared a national park due to its exceptional natural beauty, richness in fauna and flora, its many beaches, fishing spots and a number of cultural-historical monuments which make the island a very attractive tourist destination. Lakes on the island are a natural phenomenon which put the island Mljet on the map.
The National Park Brijuni is made up of 14 islands and islets with the most developed being Veliki and Mali Brijuni. It was declared a national park in 1983. Its coastline is low and rocky, very easy to get to, and it has many sandy and pebbled beaches. There are a few hotels on the island which offer their full service and a quiet holiday. Golfing fans can play a game of golf while enjoying the island's natural beauty. Taking a bike ride or a horseback ride around the island of Brijuni can also be a wonderful experience.
The National Park Plitvice lakes is one of the largest and oldest European parks as well as a natural monument which can be found on the UNESCO list of international heritage. This is mountainous woodland which has 16 lakes both large and small. Along with the many bird species and small game, the Park also has deer, bears, wild boars, wild cats and, in its waters, wild trout. The National Park Plitvicke Jezera is a well-known tourist destination and a great place to take excursions.
The National Park Krka is spread over 142m2 of land and the River Krka is a rocky phenomenon which, as it flows towards the sea, forms a number of lakes, waterfalls and rapids. On the island of Visovac, on the Visovac lake in between two beautiful waterfalls - Roskog slapa and Skradinskog buka- is a Franciscan Monastery. Among all of its mammals the most valuable one is the fauna of bats. There are 18 different endangered species which are almost extinct in Europe.
Croatia can boast about its natural beauty as well as untouched nature. Guests can find accommodation in apartments and rooms in private home and pansions which surround the national parks. Smaller hotels and hunting houses offer accommodations as well as restaurants, taverns and recreation.
Visitors can also enjoy activities such as hunting, horseback riding and sports fishing. Rural tourism with its accommodations and great food attract foreigners which recognise its quality.


Agroturistika Národní parky Chorvatsko - Agroturistika